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  1. P

    Recurring campaign set to send every 1 minute, but next queued campaign send @ top of next hour

    Hello! I've setup a recurring campaign to send every 1 minute and after clicking send, I see that the next queued campaign to send is not at `previous send time + 1 minute` as expected but rather it's at the top of the next hour, 10 pm in this case. See the attached for what I mean. Is this a...
  2. P

    [DATE] and [DATETIME] dynamic tag values *constantly* update - I think this is a bug.

    Hello! I think I found a bug. When the [DATE] or [DATETIME] dynamic tags are appended to a custom subscriber field via a campaign send they work as expected, meaning that the current time at the time of campaign send, open, or click (whichever you selected) is written to the custom field you...
  3. P

    "Change subscriber custom field value upon campaign sent" - pick list only shows some custom fields

    Hello, In my list I have 8 custom fields but the pick list in the campaign setup only displays 3 options to choose from. See screenshot. Why is this and how can I get access to all 8 of my custom fields? Thanks!
  4. P

    Auto-responder strategy question - Multiple lists + send events

    Hi there, I have a freemium mobile app and and currently using a Mailwizz auto-responder campaign to send a welcome email to new users when they create an account on my app. I'd also like to setup an auto-responder campaign to send at these points and I was hoping to get some advice about the...
  5. P

    Some URLs in my customer portal directing my IP addy instead of subdomain

    Hello, A few of the URLs in my customer portal direct to my host IP address instead of my subdomain, In the attached screenshot I'm hovering over the link in the box and you can see the URL it directs to is not the same as my customer portal, mail.macrosfirst. Chrome flags...
  6. P

    "Auto" upgrade to 1.5.7 wasn't auto - took my application offline for ~1 month

    Hi, On 5/15/18 my app apparently auto-upgraded to version 1.5.7 from 1.5.1, however, the upgrade never fully completed until this morning when I clicked into my backend portal and clicked "OK" to complete the upgrade process. Thus my app was rendered offline for almost a full month. In the...
  7. P

    Campaign to new subscribers?

    Hello, I have an email template that I'd like to send to new subscribers to one of my lists upon sign-up. Is there a way I can automate this? Thank you!
  8. P

    Create list segment by "Date added" - How?

    Hello, I was trying to create a list Segment by the "Date added" column and was surprised to see that I can only create Segments by "email" and custom fields. Can someone please help me make a segment by date added? I'd like to avoid creating a new list because I don't want to have to manage...
  9. P

    Recommended procedure for subject line A/B testing

    Hello, I'm new to Mailwizz and am interested in testing two variants of a subject line. Is there an easy productized way to do it or is it manual? If manual, I think this is how it should be done, but I'd appreciate it if someone would confirm the order of operations: Create (split) two...