Why Domain Reputation is Falling?


Hey members,

We have been sending emails since 2 months using MailWizz. We are gradually warming up our server and exactly after 25th day of sending email campaign, our emails started landing in inbox instead of spam and our domain reputation jumped from "Medium" to "High". It indicate we were doing well. Check the following screenshot of Google Postmaster.


But after Nov 18th, as we were gradually following the warm up schedule and we started adding prospects emails, the domain reputation started decreasing and we are not getting good open rate as well.

We are not using any spam trigger words either in subject line or in email body, not adding any affiliate link or not following any other spam practice then why we are not getting good open rate and why our domain reputation is gradually falling?

We are even checking the sending score before sending each campaign and it is 10/10.
Google Spam Filters are passing our emails for SPF, DKIM and DMARC

Are we doing something wrong?
If Yes, than what is that?

I would really appreciate your help.
@munimwyne - if all is as you say, i don't see any reason to lose reputation like so.
What changed when you started losing reputation? There has to be something that happened.

A few days back-off should help if you ask me, if that's even possible.