There's an ongoing cost, you pay for usage on their site.And is there any ongoing cost, or is the envato price a one time charge?
Guess because they have a better detection rate given they're an online service with a multitude of servers from where they conduct the checks.How are they better than standalone programs?
Great, let me try this out@frm.mwz - i have written a verifier using GO language, can be found here: and can run on any server, you just have to install golang to be able to compile it.
It even includes a PHP client to connect to that GO server and verify the emails. It's fully usable, i have written it as an exercise long time ago![]()
Usually there are spam traps - email ids created by ISPs and are published on internet so that crawlers will pull them along with other email ids. Once we send emails to those ids, ISPs will understand that we collected email ids by some illegal methods and they punish us from there on. Microsoft is a bad arse on this and I always hit with spam traps like this. They openly reveal this to us as the reason for bad reputation if we're signed up SNDS. Is there any verifiers to get rid of these spam traps? It should be a difficult job though.