[Release] MailWizz - v1.3.5


Staff member
Hi guys,

After lots of work, i finally finished MailWizz v1.3.5.
You can download it from your Mailwizz Customer Account.

Please note, this release has suffered so many changes and as always, there are chances for things to break at/after updating, so please, make sure you make a backup (files and database) before you start the update process so that you can rollback in case something goes wrong, and if it does go wrong, please open a thread in the Bug Discussions forum explaining what exactly went wrong.
You might also want to enable debugging to see the exact issue.
P.S: Make sure you are logged into backend before you start uploading files, very important.

For people that are familiar with command line, or they have ssh access to their servers where mailwizz is installed, please try to run the update from command line(you have proper instructions for this in the update screen), especially if your database is considerably large, since it might take a long time for the update to complete and your web server might timeout because of this, thus breaking the update.

For the people wishing new features and those features didn't reach this version, keep your hopes, they might be added in 1.3.6, for 1.3.5 there was simply too much work to do and not enough time, hope it's understandable.

This is the entire, final changelog for v1.3.5:
--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.3.5 - 2015-02-06
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Ability to rotate random content in campaign subject and content by using [RANDOM_CONTENT:a|b|c] tag
[ADD] - Ability to enable/disable delivery servers in backend and customer area
[ADD] - Ability to copy delivery servers in backend and customer area
[ADD] - Ability to enable/disable bounce servers in backend and customer area
[ADD] - Ability to copy bounce servers in backend and customer area
[ADD] - Ability to enable/disable feedback loop servers in backend and customer area
[ADD] - Ability to copy feedback loop servers in backend and customer area
[ADD] - Campaigns for customers marked as inactive are now automatically paused
[ADD] - Ability to set custom timeout limit when loading segments
[ADD] - ElasticEmail Web API Support
[ADD] - Ability to decide if a delivery server is used for transactional emails only or for campaigns only, or for all sendings
[ADD] - Added --verbose=0|1 flag for send-campaigns command to output in console in real time
[ADD] - Added user groups and permission systems for all controllers actions
[ADD] - Added delivery_servers_get_types_mapping and delivery_servers_get_customer_types_mapping filters for delivery servers
[ADD] - Added delivery_servers_get_bounce_server_not_supported_types filter
[ADD] - List custom redirect now supports adding urls that contain subscriber specific tags
[ADD] - Added new queue component to work with redis and queue emails
[ADD] - Added new command, queue command to process the queued emails from redis
[ADD] - Settings area for redis queue
[ADD] - Ability for delivery servers to decide if they sign emails or not when signing for domain can be done
[ADD] - Ability to order email templates in backend gallery by using drag-and-drop
[ADD] - Ability to order email templates in customer area by using drag-and-drop
[ADD] - Ability to force the FROM email for delivery servers under defined conditions
[ADD] - Ability to set the email address for bounce/fbl servers when creating them for cases when the login username isn't and email address
[ADD] - Ability to send transactionals emails instantly for registration, together with a new option for this in backend settings
[ADD] - Ability to mark a campaign as sent before it finishes
[ADD] - Added campaign started at / finished at and total delivery time in campaign overview
[ADD] - Ability to decide if customers can mark blacklisted subscribers back as confirmed subscribers and remove them from blacklist
[ADD] - Ability to add dynamic tag for list segment condition values. Supported value tags: [EMPTY], [DATE], [DATETIME], [BIRTHDATE]
[ADD] - Added new segment conditions: NOT_STARTS_WITH and NOT_ENDS_WITH
[ADD] - Added new custom field types, date, datetime and textarea
[ADD] - Added X-Mw-Customer-Uid, X-Mw-Customer-Gid, List-Id and X-Report-Abuse headers for campaigns
[ADD] - Ability to select the scheme for system urls in settings area
[ADD] - Added ability to unsubscribe subscribers from other lists when they subscribe/unsubscribe to/from certain lists
[ADD] - Ability to view delivery servers usage logs in backend.
[ADD] - Ability to send a campaign to subscribers who previosuly did or didn't opened another campaign
[ADD] - Added campaign report abuse area so subscribers can report abuse and administrators see them. Customers will also see abuses per campaign basis
[ADD] - Added ability to remove blacklisted subscribers after a certain number of days
[ADD] - Added the ability to import/export delivery servers
[ADD] - Added security measures against brute force attacks for login/register/forgot password in backend and customer areas
[ADD] - Added the ability to send custom welcome message after customer registration
[ADD] - Added ability to add more complex settings pages to themes by defining a public function settingsPage in themes
[ADD] - Backend area to list what cron jobs must be added
[ADD] - Backend area to list PHP info
[ADD] - Added ability to inherit and modify campaign sending settings into customer and customer groups
[ADD] - Added tel/callto/ftps support in html purifier for links
[BUG] - Fixed duplicate bounce logs in some cases
[BUG] - Sending domains failing verification in some cases
[BUG] - Leadersend web api save failure for customers
[BUG] - Invalid dkim signature under certain cases
[BUG] - Fixed campaign graphs when rates used commas instead of dots for decimal representation
[BUG] - IOFilter allowing encoded input to be displayed instead of it being removed
[BUG] - SwiftMailer DKIM Signer requires php 5.3 in order to work, now the system simply doesn't sign if php version < 5.3
[BUG] - ElFinder used relative path for referencing assets in backend
[CHG] - Send transactional email command has been changed to make use of the newly implemented send() method
[CHG] - Allow in the installer to use dashes in database names
[CHG] - Campaigns aren't scheduled 30 minutes ahead anymore
[CHG] - When tracking domains used, the images urls will also be changes and all tracking urls will be forced on http
[CHG] - Campaigns and lists aren't deleted from the web interface anymore. They are marked as deleted and passed to the daily cron for removal
[CHG] - All logic for fetching subscribes into a campaign has been moved in the campaign model
[UPD] - Updated CKEditor to latest version
[UPD] - Update Yii Framework to latest version
[MSC] - Multiple other small changes

That being said, hope this release will help you and your business.
Thank you.
Awesome work mate..
:P I'm already looking forward to 1.3.6

Amazing stuff will update later tonight..

Thanks for your hard work..!! Kudos!!
When I navigate to "http://www.yourdomain.com/backend/index.php/update" it just shows the dashboard. How can I find the update wizard?
It means you didn't properly uploaded the update files, keep in mind, upload the contents of the update folder over your existing mailwizz files, so that the apps folder from the update folder to override the apps folder on your server, and so on.
Make sure you use a good uploading tool, WinSCP is a good choice, and that when you upload and aksed to override existing files, you choose yes.

@Garret , @Howard - Thanks :)
@twisted1919 bro do you have any other download link? i dont know why i can download it properly,

@Canestrare - I use Transmit on my mac, in case it helps.
@Howard - Use firefox to download maybe? Dunno why chrome gives that warning only for Dropbox, if the file gets downloaded from any other source, it is fine, no warning.
yeah firefox is okay but my other concern was it took me 9hrs+ to download the file..
i dont know why and its not my internet :) i dont know why...

if you have time bro please upload other dl sources.

