Dear twisted1919
I know I you have done great work here. Nice design but nothing that looks better than what MW already has. It would be very fantastic to have you build templates that can pass as extensions for us to buy and change the UI specific to what we want- The ability to make my mailwizz version different from the next person.
As all have said UX is key, how easily can users navigate basic features like creating subscriber list. Also to add features are key and I have always mentioned this to you. I would like to see a better Template Designer, even though there are 2 on codecanyon, it is just unfortunate that the sellers refused to improve on it. Make your DnD better, more richer as we have on Mailchimp, Email verification of domain owner, social media integration to auto post to FB, Twitter and Instagram while sending a campaign.
Example the Template designer should take full screen when used,
The editor should also include more components,,, mailchimp (similar with yours but with more components) editors are great.
email templates created should be better displayed in grid view than list,
Customers don't need to create categories, admin should do that and list all templates created under their category in grid form.
If possible, DnD to design forms like seen on mailchimp
Admin should be able to see current users logged in. This is helpful when doing upgrade and maintenance.
Price list best have PAYGo, Monthly, annually separated.
Give admin the flexibility of rearranging/redesign Login, backup, newsletter format using a drag and drop for that.
with more ...