Import to a custom field even though the names are slightly different



I have a custom field whose label is `Opens Scrape Mailwizz` and tag is `OPENS_SCRAPEMAILWIZZ` as follows.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 15.26.53.png

When I import a csv file with a column `Opens_Scrape_Mailwizz`, the values can still be written to this custom field.

Is it an expected behavior of MailWizz? Why?

Thank you
When I import a csv file with a column `Opens_Scrape_Mailwizz`, the values can still be written to this custom field.
When you do so, MailWizz will create a new custom field, OPENS_SCRAPE_MAILWIZZ and will store the new info there. If it does not do that, it means you're using some custom code which prevents the app from working as designed.
Is it an expected behavior of MailWizz? Why?
I tested this and here is an issue, until we will fix the issue you can change the name of that field in something else like: Opens_Scraping_Mailwizz, you need to avoid this text "E_MAIL" in name header as you have here: OPENS_SCRAPE_MAILWIZZ.