I haven't tried to send the test email to
https://www.mail-tester.com/test-6xc1dmljc@srv1.mail-tester.com as I just got confused why mailtester.com says that my email is................. "Invalid mail domain. The domain is invalid or no mail server was found for it"
You need to use the exact email address they give you, this is why i suggested you add
test-6xc1dmljc@srv1.mail-tester.com in your email list and send a campaign to it, then after you do this, go to
https://www.mail-tester.com/test-6xc1dmljc@srv1.mail-tester.com because that would show you the issues you have in your email.
See how
@ghimes did exactly this and then added this link:
https://www.mail-tester.com/test-2u1ltlynf ? If you visit it, you will see the result of the emails sent from your servers. You will notice that your biggest issue where you lose 3 points out of 10 is related to the fact your main domain, geniusdeals.org does not have a MX record:

So all you have to do is to go to your domain DNS records, create a A record called mail.geniusdeals.org that points to then add a new DNS record, this time a MX record, with the value of mail.geniusdeals.org. Once you do this, it will take at most 24 hours for these changes to propagate. Then, let us know, and we will pick it up from there.
As a final note, you don't have an issue with images, all your images load just fine:

Your main problem is bad configuration which does not meet the requirements of having a healthy delivery server.
Failing to do so results in gmail not trusting your emails and because of this, not loading the images from it.
Once you fix the mx record issue, things should improve a lot.