@twisted1919 I dug a bit deeper on the traces... Whatever PHP function in the DSWH includes these SQL queries is the one taking the time - it is NOT the SQL taking the time, it is PHP itself. But I'm not able to narrow it down more than to find what part of the SQL is being executed while wasting a lot of time.
SELECT `category`, `key`, `value`, `is_serialized` FROM `mw_option` WHERE `category` = :c
SELECT * FROM `mw_language` `t` WHERE `t`.`is_default`=:yp? limit ?
SELECT `data`FROM `mw_session`WHERE expire>:expire AND id=:id
SET names ?
SET time_zone=?
SET sql_mode="
SET names utf?
SELECT * FROM `mw_language` `t` WHERE `t`.`is_default`=:yp? limit ?
SELECT `data`FROM `mw_session`WHERE expire>:expire AND id=:id
SET names ?
SET time_zone=?
SET sql_mode="
SET names utf?