ExitPopUp listbuilding html code


New Member
Dear community,
after i ask the developer twisted 3x and i get not answer....now ask you.
I hope i get from you a answer??

its a very, very important question!
  1. How can i use mailwizz with exit popup plugin thrive Leads, optimizepress, ninja popups etc. too listbuilding in wordpress???
  2. How find the code from subscriber forms to copy in this listbuilding plugins?
When this not possible, than can i not use mailwizz?? I must listbuilding! I have not existent subscribers in txt or csv...

Pleas give me a true answer whether list building is possible!

Thanks günther
And where is now the html code for the optins ???

twisted..why do you throw one always just such chunks as with a dog?

Why do you think everyone is as smart as you? Why is there no step-by-step guide how to create an optin form and then insert this code into its site into an exitpopup or optin-plugin ???

I am new to mailwizz, I do not know myself ... I am looking for yesterday in the forum and on the help page as I create a campagne ....

Why is there no step-by-step guide for all the necessary work steps?

Who can help me in creating a campagne with an exitpopup or optin plugin in wordpress ????

Is there anyone out there who wants to help me?

Payment desired?
step-by-step guide
have you tried the manual?

optin form
see lists, forms/pages
all code is there

step-by-step guide for all the necessary work steps
mwz does assume a little bit more knowledge than a ready-made service, after all, it is a self-hosted EMA, not a hosted service

help me in creating a campagne with an exitpopup or optin plugin in wordpress
you will be able to do it yourself, just search, read, think, and do

once you have specific questions, come back, after searching the web and the forum, and a bit of trial and error iterations
or PM me and we can go into detail