What server set up you would use to send 500/to 600k daily



Simple question:
What server set up (hosting) you would use to send 500/to 600k daily. I have never gotten to that volume
Also how would you set-up the delivery servers and cron jobs.


Simple question:
What server set up (hosting) you would use to send 500/to 600k daily. I have never gotten to that volume
Also how would you set-up the delivery servers and cron jobs.

You can use all the solid third party DS, e.g. amazonses, sendgrid, etc. Some mwz users send several million a day with them, though it might be wise to calculate the cost/month of the total delivery incl postmastery ;)
Hey @Napoolion, my dear friend @frm.mwz has suggested you absolutely correct thing :)

You can use any existing ESP in the market like amazonses, sendgrid, etc. to not face any deliverability issues. Because getting your own server ready via me is very easy ;) but sometime hard to maintain if you don't have OPT-IN subscribers :D
Hello Napoolion,

To send daily 500-600k you need to have your own server with 64 IPs.

I am not sure why there is relevance to the number of IPs. It really depends on the MTA. In our case we use Port25 and can push out about 260-400K messages per hour. This is on a 8-core, 10GB linux box (no SSD) etc (we use 4 IPs for marketing mails and the below are our marketing stats):
  Traffic    ------------inbound------------  ------------outbound-----------
                 rcpts      msgs      kbytes      rcpts      msgs      kbytes
      Total    4737749   4733986 224730775.8    4737444   4737366 227577040.2
  Last Hour       3307      3303     57221.0       3988      3988    129181.2
   Top/Hour     269617    269598  24183000.8     268337    268337  24061199.5
  Last Min.         42        42       583.9         36        36       527.6
   Top/Min.      29833     29833   1314417.8      15971     15971    756740.8

Simple question:
What server set up (hosting) you would use to send 500/to 600k daily. I have never gotten to that volume
Also how would you set-up the delivery servers and cron jobs.


This is one of My Current Server.
I have throttled the sending speed and have a dedicated /25 Block -128 IP
i have tested it to 300k a day
I never Got any of MxToolbox Blacklists.
Server is on a 32 GB RAM, 1TB NVMe RAIDed for server failure and email backups.
Sending and accepting from remote MTA depends on IP reputation.
I just Shared my experience
my Infrustructers in 2 Parts mainly. Dedicated SMTP server and Remote Database server
So mwz is on a third server? What dbf server do you use? And which ones have you tested? Is it next to the mwz server or far away?

Remote Database server of 64 GB RAM to maintain all Campaigns reports there and no lag and risk of maintenance.
Is splitting the database significantly faster? But does it take longer to pull the data for whole camp reports? And with risk of maintenance you mean no risk of loosing data or dbf integrity when deleting the logs or what?

This means I use "Relay method" right?
Relay usually means sending via third party delivery server.
So mwz is on a third server? What dbf server do you use? And which ones have you tested? Is it next to the mwz server or far away?
yes MW is on remote Server and i connect from remote to my SMTPs. MySQL format. both local MW and Remote MW tested and Remote is safer and painless.
Is splitting the database significantly faster? But does it take longer to pull the data for whole camp reports? And with risk of maintenance you mean no risk of loosing data or dbf integrity when deleting the logs or what?
i just use high ram and remote server to keep safe MW database. and while SMTP maintenance or any other issue dont harm main campaign reports.
i forgot to include one thing.

It is really helpful when you use 100+ Domains in your hands and keep more safe.
Relay usually means sending via third party delivery server.
Yes. MY SMTP servers like Relay.i can use any 3rd party to connect to it from any app,script and be able to send emails with DKIM sigining .
yes MW is on remote Server and i connect from remote to my SMTPs. MySQL format. both local MW and Remote MW tested and Remote is safer and painless.

i just use high ram and remote server to keep safe MW database. and while SMTP maintenance or any other issue dont harm main campaign reports.
i forgot to include one thing.

It is really helpful when you use 100+ Domains in your hands and keep more safe.

Yes. MY SMTP servers like Relay.i can use any 3rd party to connect to it from any app,script and be able to send emails with DKIM sigining .

Seems you have a good setup!

Especially the nameserver part, which might help avoid problems with over-burdened registrars ;)

From what you wrote it seems you have split the database, if so, does it make things faster?

Have you tried with Amazon Aurora? It can handle databases up to 4TB size (last time checked) and is super-duper fast :D
Seems you have a good setup!

Especially the nameserver part, which might help avoid problems with over-burdened registrars ;)
Yes when i faced that only 1 IP caused 2 days of hardwork what happened and all of my Fresh Domains showed i am blacklisted then i build this DNS server to cover this issue. No mailing no black things or even White things from those IP, Just Domain Parking Lot. when i need to use separate server for any domain i just Transfer that part of DNS to my new Server.
From what you wrote it seems you have split the database, if so, does it make things faster?
Of course Faster !. My previous and almost 95%+ PMTA server installers,maintainers setup all things on same server. this cause serious trouble. I heard that Sometimes Database got corrupted and All reports vanished.the whole thing then was broken.
Then i thought about splitting tasks and getting safe!

MySQL Clustering is great way for simple People like me :P
Have you tried with Amazon Aurora? It can handle databases up to 4TB size (last time checked) and is super-duper fast :D
Didn't try yet Amzons Servers. My Servers DISK TYPE is NVMe and RAIDED for 1 DISK FAILURE. so if main disk fails then the backup disk will run from same state. Same size 2 NVMe Disks to run the server.

From about 50M sendings and with 5M Users i saw total Disk Space was 48GB*** [ df -h] all partitions collectively.

To expand partition Sizes and saving some pains in future i suggest to increase /var partitions for RedHAT and CentOS users. /home is enough 100GB for SMTP handler servers.
No mailing no black things or even White things from those IP, Just Domain Parking Lot.
You mean it gives the domains a clean rep before they get used?

My previous and almost 95%+ PMTA server installers,maintainers setup all things on same server.
Yeah, that is an F- ;)
There are even some who install a control panel with pmta and several mailers and landing pages on one small vps, crazy (or super small lists)! :D

2 NVMe Disks to run the server
Yup, they r gr8 ;)

From about 50M sendings and with 5M Users i saw total Disk Space was 48GB*** [ df -h] all partitions collectively.

To expand partition Sizes and saving some pains in future i suggest to increase /var partitions for RedHAT and CentOS users. /home is enough 100GB for SMTP handler servers.
Real scalability on the fly is hard to find:

Where did you split the database (which tables in which part)?