Upgrading to 1.5.0 more emails were sent.


So i have a campaign that I always send and the total count is around 37k emails. Today I upgraded to 1.5.0 and did the same campaign and 40k emails went out. Im wondering it ignored the previous bounces or the previous unsubscribes?
I doubt it ignored anything. Look in the delivery logs for that campaign and see exactly how many were sent successfully.
Maybe more emails where added in the list since last send out though.
So i have a campaign that I always send and the total count is around 37k emails. Today I upgraded to 1.5.0 and did the same campaign and 40k emails went out. Im wondering it ignored the previous bounces or the previous unsubscribes?

Yes, I have been facing this same issue after upgraded to 1.5.0.
That's nonsense. The app cannot send more than the list contains.

Maybe Mailwizz app is doing nonsense. When we say something we have the proofs here. The app sends or might not send to all subscribers in the list . But after sending, it appears that it sent to all and even the counter appears over contains in the list.

When we send to 700k+ list it says 800k+.... So where did Mailwizz sees the remaining numbers?

If Mailwizz isn't sending to more than the list contains. That means the Receipts counter has bug.
When we send to 700k+ list it says 800k+.... So where did Mailwizz sees the remaining numbers?
Show me logs with duplicate emails and i will look into this asap, otherwise is just nonsense ;)
Keep in mind the counters are cached, so they might show stats that are not yet updated but they will update at some point.
The real source of truth is not the counters but the detail page of any stat.
That's nonsense. The app cannot send more than the list contains.
@twisted1919 if I start with a list that’s 50k and over time with bounces and people that unsubscribed to that list the list goest to 45k. Then After your update it sends more. That’s why when I first started the thread I mentioned that maybe it was ignoring bounces and unsubscribed that the list had previously. Got it? Sorry for typos. I just woke up and I am on my cell phone.
@Eric535 - Yup, i got this, problem is i cannot reproduce it and for sure mailwizz does not ignore bounces or unsubscribes, so the only reasoning would be duplicate sending, but we need to check and see that a single email got the campaigns >= two times.
@Eric535 - Yup, i got this, problem is i cannot reproduce it and for sure mailwizz does not ignore bounces or unsubscribes, so the only reasoning would be duplicate sending, but we need to check and see that a single email got the campaigns >= two times.

I been having a few people saying that they unsubscribe and they still getting emails. Not many but that what I wondered if the unsubs might of been being ignored.
@twisted1919 So today I asked sparpost for a sending increase and they told me that I needed to upload a suppression list first. I wonder if they see that my bounced emails or unsubscribed emails are being sent over and over? So what I did was I went to export my blacklist and then my unsubscribes. What I found strange was the number of unsubscribes I had. It was VERY LOW. I checked to servers which I have MW installed on and one server said I had around 400 unsubscribes and the other said I had 700. There should be alot more unsubscribes than that. It should be in the thousands.

*** UPDATE ***

Just noticed that when I go to my lists>all subscribers>filters and then choose unsubscribed and submit I get the 400 plus emails. But where it says last updated, it only shows the dates of from this month and November. What happened to all the people that unsubscribed before that? I been running MW for a long time. There should be alot more.
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@twisted1919 I just went into the mw_list_subscriber table and queried the status=unsubscribed and it came back with the same number. Last update was 2-17-11-21 which is around the time I updated the MW. Im guessing thats why I im sending 3000+ more emails now because those were unsubscribers at one point.
@twisted1919 Oh wow. I didnt know that. So mine is set to 30 days. So your saying that after 30 days the customer will start getting my emails again or are they totally removed from the system?
@twisted1919 Why would I want my unsubscribes to be removed from the system? That would be asking for trouble every time I export my customer list from my website and import it back MW. That means people that unsubscribed from me 30 days ago will be subscribed again? Thats not cool. Are you sure you didnt have this disabled before the update and thats why it never deleted my unsubscribers? I just checked a test list that I created when I first started using MW and usually my unsubscribes are gone from there which wasnt the case when I checked back months after installing MW.
Why would I want my unsubscribes to be removed from the system?
Because of the laws governing the email industry. If someone unsubscribes from your systems it means they want out and they don't want you to have access to their data anymore.
You can at anytime increase the number of days you want to keep them in the system and you can even blacklisted them in order to not email them ever again, but the bottom line is that if a subscriber does not want to be part of your list, you should honour that.