Unsubcribe and Import



This might be a silly question.

Let's say sample@email.com are in the list X, and then he unsubscribed.
The day after, I import leads (in csv) with sample@email.com are in it.

So what is the status of sample@email.com? Is he still unsubscribed or automatically re-subscribe again?

In this scenario I actually wanted sample@email.com still unsubscribed, how can I assure that?

The same thing happen with bounces, how if sample@email.com are in the list of bounces and then I import again?
Tried this.. Imported list which is already unsubscribed and the result were still unsubscribe, just like I wanted to.. :D
And bounces, I thought bounces email automatically unsubscribe, but they're not, how to unsubscribe bounces automatically, especially the hard one? (new question)
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Oh Yes I see it thanks. But I have noticed that subscribers that have blocked emails as a consequence of content related issues (e.g. Spam preblocked) are being registered as hard bounces = being blacklisted. I think a subscriber status shouldn't changed, perhaps flagged from these situations. Can a feature like this be added as an extension?
But I have noticed that subscribers that have blocked emails as a consequence of content related issues (e.g. Spam preblocked) are being registered as hard bounces = being blacklisted
We have some rules in place to avoid this, are you using latest version?
So it seems that the problem remains. After several tests I've found out;
When a recipient's ESP (for exmaple Gmail) blocks an email from being delivered. Mailwizz automatically sets such recipient as a blacklisted contact. (Yet, mailwizz labels the camaign template as 100% sent and 100% delivered).

I take that perhaps this is a default in the php. What actions should I take to prevent this from happening? You said this was fixed in the new version of Mailwizz I don't see how. Maybe I'm overlooking something but for now this problem is painfully harming our lists.

Attached I add screenshots to back up what I mean. I hope you can help me...

Thanks in advance


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    contacts being blacklisted.PNG
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How to setup mailwizz, to unsubscribe in 1 click? If you put the setting=Single opt out, the subscriber has to make 2 clicks to unsubscribe from this mailing list: 1 Click the letter and 1 click after clicking on the link in the email. How to make unsubscribing from the mailing occurred in 1 click?