Unable to use mailgun delivery server


New Member
Hey folks, I am having an issue connecting the mailgun API as a delivery server, and also using mailgun as my STMP delivery server.

When attempting to connect the mailgun API I get the following error:
  • Cannot create the permanent_fail webhook, reason: Your credentials are incorrect.
I have verified my credentials, they are correct but cannot get passed this issue.

When trying to connect through the SMTP route, no errors occurs but I never receive the server validation email. Just to check that I have done everything correctly, I input my credentials into smtper.net, and lo and behold the smtp connection is a success. The mailgun logs indicate that email transmission has failed due to the following reason:

Verification failed for <bounce+01d3ee.ca2a19-somethingsomething@mydomain.com>\nNo Such User Here\nSender verify failed"

Is anyone able to shed some light on this issue? If either the SMTP or the API were working, I would think that I was doing something wrong in one or the other, but since they are both not working, I am thinking it might be a mailgun issue? Also, I have added all the DNS records that Mailgun instructed me to in order to verify my domain, the only ones I have left out are the MX records.
Had the same issue....Read all the forums....In the end whilst all the references say API keys and after trying all Public, Private, I eventually tried a WebHook key and boom....So perhaps the documentation should've updated :)
