Stats graph "24 hours performance" is showing date in UTC and not local hour of system


Active Member

I just update MW from to The stats graphs of campaigns are great.

The stats graph of "24 hours performance" is showing date in UTC time. For example I sent a campaign on 2017-04-27 14:58 -5GMT and the first open was at 15:00. In the stats graph is sowing time of first open at 20:00 hours.

Is there a way to configure the time to local hour for that stats graph?

I attach an image in where you can see about I'm explaining:

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@Fabyc - Right, i should have written a note somewhere that those dates are utc...
Try to unzip attached and put resulted file instead of /apps/customer/components/web/widgets/campaign-tracking/Campaign24HoursPerformanceWidget.php
It will take around one hour for the cache to invalidate and to show you the new timing so make sure you wait for it.


Try to unzip attached and put resulted file instead of /apps/customer/components/web/widgets/campaign-tracking/Campaign24HoursPerformanceWidget.php
It will take around one hour for the cache to invalidate and to show you the new timing so make sure you wait for it.

I replace the file for the one in the attached file. I did it almost 6 hours ago , but it is not showing the new timing (the correct one in my local time) yet.

@Dan Tamkin - It's been a while, and we changed the system considerably in that area, so i am not sure if it's still working, but you can try it and if any issue, you can revert to the original version of the file.
Both files appear to be the same. I solved this issue by defining the timezone ( timezone = "browser" ) in the "campaign-24hours-performance.js" file.
@Nappolion in "/assets/js/campaign-24hours-performance.js", I changed the following:

xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%H:00%P"


xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%I:00%P", //12 hour time
tickSize: [1, "hour"], //tick every hour
timezone: "browser" //local timezone


Thank you very much Dan,

For to all your Europeans out there, I got the time format to European format like this:

xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%H:00", //24 hour time
tickSize: [1, "hour"], //tick every hour
timezone: "browser" //local timezone
Thank you very much Dan,

For to all your Europeans out there, I got the time format to European format like this:

xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%H:00", //24 hour time
tickSize: [1, "hour"], //tick every hour
timezone: "browser" //local timezone
Thank god! AM & PM is like flintstoning in the internet age (where one real time year is like 7 years)