@twisted1919 Do you have any further input on the above? Many thanks, J.
I am not sure TBH, looking at https://github.com/JayBizzle/Crawler-Detect/blob/master/src/Fixtures/Crawlers.php it seems they do some work in that direction.Does that library exclude Amazon, Google and Apple IP addresses used for privacy opt outs?
I am not sure how efficient this is, how exactly would you decide to count the clicks then? because you might have legit clicks, then you might get clicks triggered by some analysis tool from gmail/etc. I am genuinely asking, because to me it seems almost.Moving forward I'll be adding a 'hidden' url in all my templates, and discounting any address that clicks that link from the reports i give to my clients.
We do have various filters you could potentially access programatically but lets see the previous point first, maybe we can come up with something in the app core and you don't have to do it outside via filters.But I'd be interested to know if i can add a filter somewhere to do that within Mailwizz.
I am not sure how efficient this is, how exactly would you decide to count the clicks then? because you might have legit clicks, then you might get clicks triggered by some analysis tool from gmail/etc. I am genuinely asking, because to me it seems almost.Moving forward I'll be adding a 'hidden' url in all my templates, and discounting any address that clicks that link from the reports i give to my clients.
<div style="height:0px;line-height: 0px;display: none;" class="mso-hide" id="bot-track"><a href=”http://www.IamABot.com” style="color:#cecece; text-decoration: none;"></a></div>
My problem with this is we can lose valid clicks with this approach.If you have any Email addresses in your campaign stats registering that link click. Then discount them immediately.
I am just throwing ideas here, but what if we give you an option to disable click tracking and open tracking for the first x minutes after the campaign has been sent, where x would be a number you'd set per campaign, defaulting to 0? Would that make any difference to you? Or is it a stupid idea that won't help?Particularly if that link click came within the first minute of receiving the email
Thinking about this... What we are going to consider that is the sent time? The time when we record the status Ok in the campaign_delivery_log table? Also please consider that this timestamp is the one when we handled the email to the SMTP. If the SMTP has a full queue, the actual email delivery might happened later. So also this is not 100% bulletproof. Would this threshold be in milliseconds maybe?I am just throwing ideas here, but what if we give you an option to disable click tracking and open tracking for the first x minutes after the campaign has been sent
This image is a perfect example why we can't rely on the user agent, that's a very common user agent, but the IP address does say it's google.i want to show you IP addresses, user agents, email addresses and open times that when viewed in an excel spreadsheet can be nothing but bots.