Spam handling

francois francois

New Member

I'm using mandrill smtp at this moment and it appears that spam complaints are not received by mailwizz. Bounces handling seems to be fine since I added to "forward bounce notifications to this address" in mandrill.

I think the only way is to setup webhooks and I'd like to know if there is any documentation for that ? For example, there is a webhook called "Message is marked as spam" and I'd need to know the "Post to URL".


In that case you should set a bounce server for and to associate that bounce server with the delivery server.
Or, you could use the Mandrill Web API implementation from mailwizz to create a delivery server, case in which, mailwizz will also subscribe to mandrill webhooks and process the bounces automatically.

Depends what type of delivery server you are using, if you are using something like Elasticemail or Amazon SES web api you can't associate one as those services handle bounces. If you are using an SMTP server go to the Delivery Servers page, then click on the server you want to associate with and there is a drop down which will show all your bounce servers.
Oh but that makes me now wonder about feedback loop servers, would it be necessary to set one up if one uses Mandrill Web Api for delivery servers?
No, it's all handle through their service, you just need to make sure you entered the callback url in the mandrill dashboard. The url is available at the top of the delivery detail page.
Cant find where to enter the callback url in the mandrill dashboard, also cant find the delivery page never mind the url lol
I've never used mandrill, but they seem to use webhooks

Go to:

Backend > Servers > Delivery Servers

Then click on the name of the delivery Server you setup to use Mandrill. At the top there is a message with a blue background and you should have a web address that looks something like Enter that address into the webhook you need to create on Mandrill into the callback box. It will test it to make sure it is working correctly.
Hmmm interesting thing is in my backend it does not display a web address at all when viewing the delivery server but thanks for trying to help though. I might have to ask support for some help on this.
When editing and saving the server it only displays the "Your form has been successfully saved!" on green background, cant remember what all it did when adding it initially but I know it works as far as sending goes because I have done numerous sending tests and all the stats are also both in my mandrill admin and Mailwiz client area.
ah yes yes it does thanks, I see the address there. It appears as "http://mydomainhere/index.php/dswh/1" though I have later changed to clean urls, should it make a difference?
Something interesting happened during my testing. While doing test sends with the Mandril server setup the forward to a friend link function worked fine. The forwards were tracked and displayed in both Mailwiz and Mandrill, and the address the mail was forwarded to received the mail. But later on the forward function stopped working. The link and form works and the forward is added to Mailwiz stats, but Mandrill doesn't pickup the forward and the address the forward is sent to also doesn't receive it.
Not sure about what would happen if you've changed the url but did this behaviour begin after you changed it? Is that on old campaigns prior to the change or new ones as well?

If this started after the change I would change it back and see what happens.
ah yes yes it does thanks, I see the address there. It appears as "http://mydomainhere/index.php/dswh/1" though I have later changed to clean urls, should it make a difference?
Nope, it doesn't make any difference.

Something interesting happened during my testing. While doing test sends with the Mandril server setup the forward to a friend link function worked fine. The forwards were tracked and displayed in both Mailwiz and Mandrill, and the address the mail was forwarded to received the mail. But later on the forward function stopped working. The link and form works and the forward is added to Mailwiz stats, but Mandrill doesn't pickup the forward and the address the forward is sent to also doesn't receive it.
You should stop using mandrill tracking, mailwizz does this for you. From your mandrill acocunt, disable click and opens tracking.
Well I have no reverted back to normal urls, and going through reversing some things that I did before "forward to a friend" stopped working and testing it with a smtp that I have setup as delivery.
yeah same thing, I have tried the forward to a friend with an SMTP (not Mandrill api), form is filled in and is pickup on stats but not received at all at the forwarded address. Reverted my changes which was, clean urls, system time display, ip location display.