Set a custom field to record how many times a subscriber have received newsletters



I have been using MailWizz to send newsletters.

I would like to create a custom field "SENT_TIMES" which records how many times a subscriber have received newsletters from us.

So each time I send a newsletter, I plan to set `Change subscriber custom field value upon campaign sent` to increment "SENT_TIMES" like follows.

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 19.36.37.png

But my tests show that it does not work. It set the value to literally `[SENT_TIMES]+1` rather than numeric values, which is not what I wanted.

Does anyone know how to achieve this?
There's a special tag for these things, called [INCREMENT_BY_X] in your case, just increment by one: [INCREMENT_BY_1] instead of [SENT_TIMES] + 1