We have created a server reputation monitor that polls all the blacklist sites and at your choosing can disable any servers that are blacklisted to avoid further blacklistings while you resolve the issues at hand.
It also checks and updates your senderscore and this can all be viewed in delivery servers. You can at a glance see how many times your server is listed, and your current senderscore which is updated on a schedule of your choosing, although every 2 hours is a good time frame.
The extension also re activates your delivery server once the blacklisting has been either resolved or falls away. Early disabling of the delivery server promotes quick removal of servers from blacklisting sites, and can have the server automatically delist in a very short time versus leaving the problem unchecked which can lead to far far longer delisting timeframes.
You can also choose which blacklist sites you would like monitored, and these can be selected or de selected at will.
Again, this extension doesn't overwrite any of your Mailwizz files and Mailwizz can be updated without any issues.
The extension also comes with support and we are willing to do any additional dev work or tweaks you feel are needed to suit your platform or branding.
The code will be available on Code Canyon, but is being made available here while that process concludes.
Please see screenshots below, please message me if you have any questions :
We have created a server reputation monitor that polls all the blacklist sites and at your choosing can disable any servers that are blacklisted to avoid further blacklistings while you resolve the issues at hand.
It also checks and updates your senderscore and this can all be viewed in delivery servers. You can at a glance see how many times your server is listed, and your current senderscore which is updated on a schedule of your choosing, although every 2 hours is a good time frame.
The extension also re activates your delivery server once the blacklisting has been either resolved or falls away. Early disabling of the delivery server promotes quick removal of servers from blacklisting sites, and can have the server automatically delist in a very short time versus leaving the problem unchecked which can lead to far far longer delisting timeframes.
You can also choose which blacklist sites you would like monitored, and these can be selected or de selected at will.
Again, this extension doesn't overwrite any of your Mailwizz files and Mailwizz can be updated without any issues.
The extension also comes with support and we are willing to do any additional dev work or tweaks you feel are needed to suit your platform or branding.
The code will be available on Code Canyon, but is being made available here while that process concludes.
Please see screenshots below, please message me if you have any questions :