Received email 4MB with only few lines of text


New Member

I have an issue with the size of the email being send using Mailwizz.

I created a new template, added a few lines of text and send a test message to my own Gmail address and

The weird thing about this is that the message received in my Gmail account and has a size of 4MB.

I downloaded the message and checked the code but it seems that Mailwizz adds a lot more than I just want to send out.

Can someone explain me why this happens and why the size of the emails are so huge while there are only a few lines of text?

The results can be seen here:

I have also attached an exact copy of the message to this thread.

NOTE: Don't mind the SPF and DKIM when checking the result in Mail-tester as I'm aware that these DNS settings haven't been set (yet).

The lines of text I added to a brand new Mailwizz template are

This is my first newsletter using Mailwizz.

All the best,


Hey @bizzy171,

After analyzing the source code of your email, I can see that you're using "Grammarly" extension in your browser. So, you've to disable it, because it's not compatible with MailWizz. If it will be enabled then it will put lot of code without any use.

And I hope you know that your SPF, DKIM, RDNS, are not setup properly. If need assistance ping me!

Hope it works for you :)
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Hey @bizzy171,

After analyzing the source code of your email, I can see that you're using "Grammarly" extension in your browser. So, you've to disable it, because it's not compatible with MailWizz. If it will be enabled then it will put lot of code without any use.

And I hope you know that your SPF, DKIM, RDNS, are not setup properly. If need assistance ping me!

Hope it works for you :)

This is great! I never expected the grammarly plugin in my browser to alter the code of the emails. I really appreciate your help! @Osjtya