Notification to user

From the app by default you can't do it.
However, you can email the user or you can use the support tickets extension to open a support ticket from backend for a particular customer, case in which he'll receive your message.
@twisted1919, I'm not saying for support tickets or mass mail. Just a simple notification message as for example Facebook. Where user don't have to reply or anything, only admin can add or send notification to the user account.
@AC AFD You can add simply notification bar to specific group from admin panel/customers/groups/ update group (in Common sheet)
This is amazing !! We can also extend this feature, for automated in app notification, Like Account Expiration Date Coming Soon, Credit Limit Exceed !! These kind of notification via system !!

Is it possible ?
@Jatin Sahani - that was actually the reason why i struggled to have it in the system, it's a start for such things ;)
Don't know what to say buddy, You're amazing, and i think even this is not enough to describe you !!

Amazing Work buddy can't wait for next Version + Builder

Rest we have to discuss theme also once you get from this update & builder :p
@twisted1919, Thanks this what we were looking for. Kindly look for Opening Stats issue as well, as they are not working properly unless the image get loads. Because other ESPs such as SendGrid, MailChimp don't have these issues.
Kindly look for Opening Stats issue as well, as they are not working properly unless the image get loads.
This is not true anymore with version, if images are blocked but link tracking is on, when links clicked, open will also be tracked ;)
@twisted1919, Thanks for prompt reply. This is was I'm trying to say, in SendGrid it's working perfectly fine. I'll give you a direct example:
We sent one campaign today from MailWizz through SendGrid server to 4 subscribers and guess what. We "0" Open Stats in MailWizz but SendGrid showing 2 Opens.