New Fronted Theme Problem


New Member
I have made a fronted theme for Mailwizz and I have uploaded.
But when I upload the theme page Fronted inside the program goes white.
Can you please tell me what I have do wrong?

Thnak you
@Dimitris - If there is an error, the debug mode will catch it. If you get a white page usually suggest you have an error, so double check you have properly enabled debugging.
@Dimitris - Yup, that is doable but you need to have htaccess generated and added in your document root (see backend > settings > common, enable clean urls and click the generate htaccess and add the resulted code in your .htaccess file)
To your thing, your theme has a run() method. In it, add something like:
    array('the_name_of_your_extension_controller/about', 'pattern' => 'about'),
Where the_name_of_your_extension_controller is, well, the name of your controller, in lowercase letters, except the ending "controller" part.