Mailwizz - 1.4.8

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Sure, anything in particular that i should take into consideration?
add add a subscriber email in many lists and then add sam esubscriber email to global blacklist. i should mark blacklist that email is all subscriber where email status=confirmed and will leave other status unchanged but here in current version if we add any subscriber to global blacklist it just added to global blacklist but not marked this email blacklist in all lists where this email is present.
Yeah, that is correct, maybe we should add a block that allows to add custom css to the template ?

That would be a minimum ;-) But I see the editor is done with no plan to extend ti create own additions or base layouts. But thats better then nothing.

In my opinion it shouldn't save it contents in a json object, instead it should use the default content parameter and parse the attributes and innerHTML for the fields. It looks like the saved json object is nothing diffrent because it even includes "vivaldi" html attributes ;-)
Still export subscribers or create new list from subscribers did't work. I was hoping that this feature will be solved in this release. could you please help me how can i export subscribers to .csv from one customer who open and click in last 12 months?
as this data is around 100Kplus?
i believe you should consider giving 2 option while export subscriber list.
1. lite export Only Email, Status etc (i. e all fields in table app_list_subscriber): this export will be super fast has we have a key in database with list_id so there will not be any entire table scan, i personally run tonns of such mysql commands and export millions of data quickly
2. Full export: all details of app_list_subscriber + list field values : This is a full export and it is what we are doing till now. we fetch out each subscribers list field value using php script & various joins. so its a tedious task. it consumes server resources & time

Note: after my experience most of the people are mostly interested in EMAIL TAG and its status.

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********** All Subscriber Filter BUG************
Subscriber UID filter not working. i tested by putting only subscriber uid and nothing else, it returned all subscriber after filter.

i am using (SMTP ) Port25 PowerMTA bounce handler. Mailwizz - 1.4.3 Version Work Fine.
As far as i remember. i was asked to add an Unsubscribe endpoint for that particular tool, so i think it's the tool which actually unsubscribes.

Can We add following in next Release.
1. At Campaign Report/overview Section if we can show campaign list actions like OPEN Actions(move,Copy) Click action (MOVE,COPY) etc. will be very helpful. rit now we cant not see that after the campaign is sent.
2. [BUG] Subscriber emails dont get Autofilled up in unsubscribe page if we set it to open and move to new list. Subscriber feels a bit hassle while typing entire email, and some time dont feel safe to provide their email and because of this they more tends towards reporting abuse at ISP.
3. like we have overall 24 hrs Graph , We can also show a overall 30 Days (Schedule date +30days or 15 days) performance Graph, it will help us analyzing opens and click forecast and how a campaign performs over time elapsed. although i have implemented in my another version of Mailwizz which i am developing by my own. here is screen .

4. At Step Sequence SETUP , if we can show which list & segment we have chosen in previous step
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