Would it be a total pain in the neck to present the graphs for list growth (new subscribers vs. unsubscribes) more like this?

It would make more sense and present a more accessible snapshot. The current graph combining positive (subscribers) with negative (unsubscribed) in the same section above the X-axis, is a little awkward.
When I drill down to the 1-month level, it just shows 2 bar charts (one for last and one for this month). There's no further details / drill down, so basically providing the same info as the 1-year or 6-months charts.
The 1-week option shows the 1-month charts.
Also, it is always displaying the total unsubscribed, not the gains/losses per period (i.e. month / date range)? To show a trend, there should be a graph showing
all new subscribes in the given time period vs.
all new unsubscribes. Fine if that would need to be a separate graph.
Sorry, I know this is nerdy stuff, but it's the reporting we're being asked to do with the aim of seeing if a) our acquisition campaigns are working and b) if our content and email frequency are hitting the mark.
Also, the following numbers are TOTALS, not AVERAGES, right? At least in my case it's definitely totals.

Thanks. I know this is a lot of work.