letters course

<Did you check if it was sent?>

Как это можно проверить?
How can I check?
MWZ Backend->Miscellaneous
Campaigns delivery logs
Campaigns bounce logs
Transactional emails
Delivery servers usage logs
Application log
В журнале использования сервера отображаются только письма активации, а писем рассылки там нет и по факту они не приходят. Остальные разделы пустые. В письмах активации я переходил по ссылкам активации. Хрон я настраивал в соответствии с инструкцией. Автореспондер включён.

In Delivery servers usage logs — only the activation email. Mailing letters displayed there and not come after the fact. The remaining sections still empty. The activation email I passed on the activation link. Сron I set up in accordance with the instructions. AR launched.
In Delivery servers usage logs — only the activation email. Mailing letters displayed there and not come after the fact. The remaining sections still empty. The activation email I passed on the activation link. Сron I set up in accordance with the instructions. AR launched.
Check manually on the command line, if the cron commands actually work...so login per ssh, and copy & paste each cron command (without the ">/dev/null 2>&1" part and see what happens...if you get errors, then you need to fix these first...e.g. the path to your "php-cli" (there are a number of posts re that on the forum).
If the cron jobs work, then see if your quotas are correctly adjusted and available (when in /customer, check quota at top right). You can reset the quota as a quick fix, but in the long-run, you need to adjust the quota settings (search the forum).