Inaccurate Delivered stats


I am happy that we have the Delivered stats now added to the campaigns overview. However, it appears that the stats are not accurate. Here's a screenshot of the example:


Here, the current Delivered should be not 99% but 91% to account for the 8% bounced. Otherwise, there's no purpose in having that stat in the first place.

Aside from that, the number of the delivered addresses is not included in the campaign report. Currently, it's possible to view the addresses that were sent the email, those that opened, clicked, unsubscribed, bounced and complained. It would be awesome to also have the same option for the delivered so that the overview is complete.
Delivery means the number of emails where mailwizz was able to handle the email to the smtp server. you can have(and should) a 100% delivery rate and still have 15% bounce rate for example, which means from those 100%, 15% were bounces.