I'm repeatedly ghost unsubscribing from my own lists

Britt Malka

This problem is driving me insane.

I'm subscribed to my own lists, but frequently I don't get my emails, and when I check, I find out that I've unsubscribed.

How can this happen?

I have NOT clicked on the unsubscribe link or in any other way attempted to unsubscribe.

I send out clean text messages, no HTML.

I'm subscribed with two email addresses - britt@malka.biz and britt.malka@gmail.com - this only happens for the malka.biz address.

I checked the logs to see if I could find the IP address for where "I" unsubscribed, but I couldn't find any info about it.

Any ideas?

Perhaps you are not unsubscribed from the newsletter but are blacklisted when sent because you received bounce?
How do you add your address?
The meyan had such a thing that I put the address on the list but forgot to sign it. By default, as far as I remember, it is entered with the status unsubscribed.
Also check if the global black list does not contain it there?
I have no more ideas :)))
How do you add your address?

The last time, I clicked on each of the five lists I'm supposed to be subscribed to, one at a time.

Then I clicked on Subscribers and next on Create new.

I entered my name and email and changed the status to Subscribed before I saved.

After I'd added myself back to the five lists, I searched for my email and saw that my status was set to Subscribed for all lists.

Then it worked for a while, until I noticed that my emails had unsubscribed from the last list yesterday. I couldn't see any traces of unsubscribing from the other lists.

It's as if somebody else has access to my emails and can click the unsubscribe link at the bottom.

The meyan had such a thing that I put the address on the list but forgot to sign it. By default, as far as I remember, it is entered with the status unsubscribed.

That's correct, but I double-checked that I'd changed the status for my email for all five lists.

Also check if the global black list does not contain it there?I have no more ideas :)))

I'd already checked that before I wrote here. And I have no ideas either.
Something writes it exactly. I don’t think that someone needs to unsubscribe you - just because of a joke.

But I did not notice any problems in the program.
We look only with you settings. As far as I remember, there was still a function of unsubscribing by mail (I don’t know how it works) - can you send that in reply (answering machine for example)?

So for the sake of interest, what is the box or service of the program, the provider?
FM - he knows everything that he can tell. :)))) I am a beginner myself.
As far as I remember, there was still a function of unsubscribing by mail (I don’t know how it works) - can you send that in reply (answering machine for example)?

I wondered about that function, too. I don't know how it works, either, but I assume that you reply to the email and write "unsubscribe" - or that it's something some email programs can take care of with a click of a button. Not sure.

So for the sake of interest, what is the box or service of the program, the provider?

Do you mean where MailWizz is hosted? If so, it's a Hostgator VPS account.

FM - he knows everything that he can tell. :)))) I am a beginner myself.

Hehe, that's where we all start :)
there is no mailbox to which you are sending the letter, I assumed that maybe in your program there is some sort of function that automatically unsubscribes from mailings (which are understood by the title of the formal reply to the example).
- it is not only added to the server (if you have not added it) but also added by the program itself.

This is only with this box you have or unsubscribe everything.
No, I just send it to myself, and I read it with The Bat (mail client). But I also open my gmails with The Bat, and those aren't unsubscribed.