How to remove Subscriber List Custom fields


When we first started with Mailwizz we uploaded subscribers with Fields from several previous email systems. As a result we ended up with fields like fname, First Name, first name and firstname. We now want to "standardize" on only 2 custom fields for all subscriber lists.
That would be "state" and "firstname".

How do we delete all the variations of fields, and their values, and then just load all subscribers with only "state" and "firstname" fields as custom fields?

I was tempted to just empty all the "list_field" type tables. But that might break something. So I am asking.
@Papapooch - You should simply remove the custom fields from mailwizz's interface, go to your list custom fields, remove the ones you don't need anymore and save the changes.
I tried to removed, but it always back on the list again when we refresh it again, please advise
If your list is huge, and has many fields in it, removing a field might be problematic, and I think that's the case for you as well. Can you tell us the list size and number of fields it has?
@karmagroup - 18k are not that many subscribers, please open a support ticket and include access to your app and also tell us what list field you try to remove, so we can take a look.