Handling Multiple Lists with Segmentation, Custom Fields, and Cross-List Campaigns


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm currently managing six lists in MailWizz, with three of these lists containing voting feedback from subscribers. Based on the scores from these votes, we want to categorize our subscribers into three distinct "categories."

We also have automations in place that allow subscribers to move from one list to another based on their actions in response to our follow-ups.

Given this setup, I have a few questions:

  1. Segmentation and Custom Fields: Are segmentations and custom fields tied strictly to individual lists, or can they be applied across multiple lists? For example, if we create segments based on voting feedback, will those segments work across all six lists, or are they confined to just one list?
  2. Cross-List Campaigns: Is it possible to send a single campaign to all subscribers across these six lists at once? If so, how can we incorporate the segmentations and custom fields into such a campaign?
Any insights or best practices on how to efficiently manage this kind of setup in MailWizz would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
Are segmentations and custom fields tied strictly to individual lists

Is it possible to send a single campaign to all subscribers across these six lists at once
Yes. See https://www.mailwizz.com/kb/sending-groups/

You'll see MailWizz uses sending groups to fix the exact same problem you'd encounter with your setup, where some lists have segments and certain fields, while others don't, so MailWizz's approach is to use sending groups where you setup a campaign for a list and a segment, then attribute it to a sending group, then duplicate the campaign and change the list/segment but keep the sending group, this way you can configure your campaigns entirely different BUT mailwizz will make sure no email duplicate will go out in a sending group.