Generation dkim


I have a server VPS. The server administrator has configured dkim on the server. If I send a letter from the web interface will appear in the technical headers DKIM-Signature. However, if the letter is sent by mailwizz
DKIM-Signature not displayed. What do you advise?
When you add delivery server select signature sign in on.

Or you can generate DKIM in Backend > Domains > Sending Domain.
Generate DKIM an SPF records for your domain in Backend > Domains > Sending Domain
then add this records into your DNS server records for you domain name like this
mailer._domainkey TXT v=DKIM1;k=rsa;p=MIGf6901rkyV3Ile+cUTKzzytqEupJh/h9JMz4ggFQwZbIkpykvbeay14PpcCjOwv8wIDAQAB;
this so calld DKIM record shoud have type TXT
dont forget to add SPF record. It must be TXT type also.
Why do I get an error when filling out the field "dkim public key"?

I first set up dkim and SPF in dns, and now bear the keys of the DSN in mailwizz. I can it do?
Why do I get an error when filling out the field "dkim public key"?

I first set up dkim and SPF in dns, and now bear the keys of the DSN in mailwizz. I can it do?
...the idea is to use the mwz generated data and put it into dns settings, not the other way around...
I have generated dkim without malwizz and placed it in the dns settings. Emails that I send from the web interface contain header DKIM-Signature. But in the letters that I send through mailwizz DKIM-Signature missing. What do you advise?
I have generated dkim without malwizz and placed it in the dns settings. Emails that I send from the web interface contain header DKIM-Signature. But in the letters that I send through mailwizz DKIM-Signature missing. What do you advise?

you can have separate dkim settings for each signing mailer
dkim for your exim
dkim for your mwz

each should have a designated cname entry in the dns settings

you can combine them into one, but if you run into trouble, you have at least one source you already know of

...more importantly, DKIM is intended to distinguish between sending domains, ie each domain should have a separate one, to keep different reputations apart, ensure security and authenticity...and private keys need to be kept safe to avoid spoofing...
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specified DNS record is added. Please specify how to connect to DKIM mailwizz? Since only an indication of the DNS record is not resolved.