Error on validate the server


New Member
I set server to amazon ses and get error when try to validate
here's error message :

  • Cannot send the confirmation email using the data you provided.
  • Here is a transcript of the error message:
  • SMTP connect() failed.
    SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: (0)
I select PHPMailer, when I change to swiftmailer
here's error message :
  • Here is a transcript of the error message:
  • Connection could not be established with host [ #0]
    Log data:
    ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport
    !! Connection could not be established with host [ #0]
Please guide me to fix the problem

From what i see, it seems like the hosting is blocking the outgoing connections to the amazon servers.
When you create a new server, from the dropdown of servers type, do you see Amazon SES Web API? If you do, try to use that one.
Here's a video showing how to create the amazon ses user for mailwizz:

If that does not appear in the list of dropdown options, ask your host why they block outgoing connections and if they can unblock you.
I have done to create amazon web api
I use vps - centos 6 - webuzo
tried telnet 587 >>>

my delivery server setting is here

but error :
  • Cannot send the confirmation email using the data you provided.
  • Here is a transcript of the error message:
  • SMTP connect() failed.
    SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: (0)
At least we know there's no blocking issue.
This delivery server type, is Amazon SMTP or regular SMTP ?
Can you also try as i suggested above, using the Amazon WEB API instead?
Here's the video once again:

Please note that you have to create the user, then assign proper policies to that user, and just after that you generate the keys.
are you mean this video?
if yes... i have done to create user, make policy as video, and generate keys
and then I input on delivery server - mailwizz
and error
There is no way to get the error if you're doing this rigth, are you sure you put the details in a delivery server of type Amazon SES web api ?
It's wrong because it's the wrong delivery server type. can you use Amazon SES Web API for the server type?
ok i changed to amazon web ses api
and i get this error :
  • User: arn:aws:iam::144729493843:user/sociresponder is not authorized to perform: ses:SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled
Please give that amazon user PowerUser access... otherwise errors as the above will show-up.
Please follow the video closely and do exactly the same steps.
I have done to add policy AmazonCognitoPowerUser
amazon menu was changed, not same as video
the different is "generate an access key for each user"
... not found on new amazon

error still same...
  • User: arn:aws:iam::144729493843:user/sociresponder is not authorized to perform: ses:SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled