Email delivery is disabled at the moment, please try again later!

I've been through that but none of those seem to match:

There is an active server. 1. You have no active delivery server.
There are no quotas set, all unlimited. 2. You have one/more active delivery servers but they are over the hourly quota
Checked quotas here but all unlimited. 3. You have a valid delivery server but you have set some sending quota for the customers and that particular customer reached it.
There are no groups set. 4. You have a valid delivery server but the customer is in a group that has certain sending quota and he just reached it.
The only server in software is set to All. 5. You only have delivery servers for campaigns (the Use for flag from the delivery server is set to campaigns).
There are no groups. 6. Your customers are set in a group that is not meant to reset the sending quota for a fresh start once it has been reached.

Any other possibilities?
@twisted1919 using SwiftMailer, what's odd is that campaigns are sending as normal, this is only occuring when someone submits an optin form and they get a message saying confirmation email can't be sent.
I just tried changing the settings to Transactional only and get the same message, it's now back to All. I'm not sure what else I can check? Everything is set to send them, the one server is definitely set to send to All email types.