Dynamic segements

Really glad that I just found that this feature has been added!
I just tried it only to see;
is it working well for you @Ben Palmer? @twisted1919 any comments on that?

Also, would be super cool, if, on the segments page, there was a column of all the matching subscribers, w/out having to click into each segment and then click to see that.
@twisted1919 hi I was waiting this feature since years : D thanks a lot this weeken I'll be updating as well.... I hope everything will ok in all my hundreds campaigns : D today I overpass 4Millions users and 250K campaigns on my little cloud and still running quite well man are you remember all those problems with PNCTL LOCK because of some code issues and cache issue.

The way I'm handling the most interest users is preselecting multiples campaigns opened on "campaigns creates"... but I always think is a big waste of resource because it doesn't makes any sense check all those campaigns to brings the most talent or interesting users... or using a custom field every time when I click on a campaign update a field... for another uses it's quite good but for this ... I don't think it was the way but now! you are doing right!

best regards
wait wait wait.. are you telling me MW now has the ability to create actual active-segments if I update?! Consider it DONE!
Hi @twisted1919 and team, this is so incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for releasing this in the busy run-up to 2.0.
However, I have a functionality question and a tiny request for a future addition to this segmentation model.

1. I noticed that - unless I've made a mistake - the Conditions that apply to your list custom fields cannot be combined with Conditions that apply to the campaigns sent to the list this segment belongs to via the "and" or "any" selector. It appears to be completely standalone. Is that correct?

Scenario: I want to segment engaged people who have opened any campaign in the last 3 month, but I also must include brand new subscribers, who simply don't yet have a contact history. For that purpose I have been operating a custom field that simply counts SENDS, one increment with each successful campaign send at a time. Subscribers with a SENDS value of <3 should still be included in the engaged segment, in addition to those who have opened any campaign in the last 3 months, using the "any" selector. However, these "new" subscribers with a send value <3 are being ignored. I've tested it by removing the "Campaign conditions" section from the segmentation, upon which my new subscribers are being picked up fine. But as soon as I also include a "Campaign condition" it overwrites everything else.

Not sure how others here are therefore using this new segmentation feature and/or if I'm doing anything wrong, but surely we don't want to segment engagement but exclude brand new (hot) subscribers on the back of it.

2. Would it be possible to add a negative option, i.e. segment by non-opens? So in the "Campaign action" selector, we would have the option to select "not opened" ...

Scenario: It would allow us to keep a dynamic disengaged segment which we can eventually target with a re-engagement campaign.
Since we currently do not have any other exclusion mechanism – i.e. select everyone who is NOT in segment X – making selections based on a non-event isn't easily possible.

In any case, thank you!
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Hi @twisted1919 and team, this is so incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for releasing this in the busy run-up to 2.0.
However, I have a functionality question and a tiny request for a future addition to this segmentation model.

1. I noticed that - unless I've made a mistake - the Conditions that apply to your list custom fields cannot be combined with Conditions that apply to the campaigns sent to the list this segment belongs to via the "and" or "any" selector. It appears to be completely standalone. Is that correct?

Scenario: I want to segment engaged people who have opened any campaign in the last 3 month, but I also must include brand new subscribers, who simply don't yet have a contact history. For that purpose I have been operating a custom field that simply counts SENDS, one increment with each successful campaign send at a time. Subscribers with a SENDS value of <3 should still be included in the engaged segment, in addition to those who have opened any campaign in the last 3 months, using the "any" selector. However, these "new" subscribers with a send value <3 are being ignored. I've tested it by removing the "Campaign conditions" section from the segmentation, upon which my new subscribers are being picked up fine. But as soon as I also include a "Campaign condition" it overwrites everything else.

Not sure how others here are therefore using this new segmentation feature and/or if I'm doing anything wrong, but surely we don't want to segment engagement but exclude brand new (hot) subscribers on the back of it.

2. Would it be possible to add a negative option, i.e. segment by non-opens? So in the "Campaign action" selector, we would have the option to select "not opened" ...

Scenario: It would allow us to keep a dynamic disengaged segment which we can eventually target with a re-engagement campaign.
Since we currently do not have any other exclusion mechanism – i.e. select everyone who is NOT in segment X – making selections based on a non-event isn't easily possible.

In any case, thank you!

Yeah completely right... The problem of the new feature doesn't take the engaged people according to custom fields for a recent or fresh install mailwizz is good but .. In my case depends of which list I have 200K campaigns in total... so my advice is combined custom fields + campaigns open and recent to decrease the big query resource.

This feature should be a real help to those people that want to catch or segment your most interest and valuable user without big impact performance resource.
I noticed that - unless I've made a mistake - the Conditions that apply to your list custom fields cannot be combined with Conditions that apply to the campaigns sent to the list this segment belongs to via the "and" or "any" selector. It appears to be completely standalone. Is that correct?
The way it works is that the AND and OR will be applied between both condition types.
So "Conditions that apply to your list custom fields" will be combined with "Conditions that apply to the campaigns sent to the list this segment belongs to". If it does not work in your case, it has to be a bug, our intent is for these two to work.
Just keep in mind that first is applied the "Conditions that apply to your list custom fields" and then the "Conditions that apply to the campaigns sent to the list this segment belongs to" is appended as a query condition using OR or AND, depending on your selection.

2. Would it be possible to add a negative option, i.e. segment by non-opens? So in the "Campaign action" selector, we would have the option to select "not opened" ...
Yes, of course, that's next on our list for this feature. But you know... 2.x...
I'm including a screenshot showing you my segment setup.
There's a number of records with "0" sends which are not picked up in the displayed scenario. But as soon as I remove the "campaigns sent" filter, they are being counted.

Annotation 2020-08-17 104941.png
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mm have you noticed your operator match is Any? change it to "All" that makes all conditions mandatory
Thanks, but that makes no sense semantically. A record cannot have opened previous campaigns AND have a zero send count. If I have not send to the record yet, they cannot have opened a campaign. It's EITHER a brand new record OR a record with an open history. Both is not possible. So ANY is correct.
@nadworks - I tested and all it's working correctly, see bellow pictures:

Annotation 2020-08-24 132130.png
Annotation 2020-08-24 132155.png

Can you confirm you are using the latest mailwizz version?
Thanks. I'm on 1.9.12.

Thank you also for checking this.
Did you use AND or ANY?
Have you tried with 0 "SENDS"?
(must pick those up, too)
Have you tried with empty in the "SENDS" field? (must pick those up, too)

Here's what I have and it is not picking up 0 (zero) or empty SENDS.

Annotation 2020-08-24 125317.png