Drag and Drop Email Template Editor


New Member
Hi All,

We have recently developed a email template editor for the code canyon market, which comes with a normal email template but most importantly the builder can be used with any older templates as well just by adding few identifying classes to the html code. We thought to share this info with the forum since there was a discussion about a drag and drop builder for Mailwizz earlier.

At this point if any one want a builder this can be used separately as a template managing software and export your templates and upload them to Mailwizz the exported format is the standard email format so it can be directly used with Mailwizz Campaigns.

If anyone is interested about the builder you can check it out http://codecanyon.net/item/block-builder-drag-drop-email-builder/15173826


Let us know what you think, we are looking forward to hear your ideas and feedback.
I checked out your plugin and its nice but needs a lot of work.
There is only a source code edit function which most end users will not like touching.
Also when you drag assets into the workspace area it highlights the asset already in place and brings up the source / copy / delete option and thats the only way to drop to the new asset but its confusing to the end user as it looks like its doing something with the existing asset instead of dropping the new asset.

I can see there is a lot of work needed before this is ready for public use.
There is only a source code edit function which most end users will not like touching.

1. You can edit content in the properties mode without having to edit source code, you can just click on the text content and edit it refer the video tutorial -

Also when you drag assets into the workspace area it highlights the asset already in place and brings up the source / copy / delete option and thats the only way to drop to the new asset but its confusing to the end user as it looks like its doing something with the existing asset instead of dropping the new asset.

2. This is a Firefox browser issue we haven't had noticed earlier, thank you for pointing this out will fix this issue immediately. In chrome / opera you can see that the block option [Copy/delete/code] functions does not appear while dragging and dropping elements.
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@CodeSquared, I checked out your email builder and it looks pretty good.

I'm hoping though that whatever editor/builder @twisted1919 eventually adds to Mailwizz will have an option to upload images as well, instead of only specifying URLs.

You might consider the same?
@CodeSquared, I checked out your email builder and it looks pretty good.

I'm hoping though that whatever editor/builder @twisted1919 eventually adds to Mailwizz will have an option to upload images as well, instead of only specifying URLs.

You might consider the same?

Hi Phil, We have image uploading feature if you just click on a image in the property editor mode you will get to edit the image, and click on the link field and you will go the media manager window where you can upload new images and set them in your template. :) you can check out the video demo on youtube it has covered this -
Hi Phil, We have image uploading feature if you just click on a image in the property editor mode you will get to edit the image, and click on the link field and you will go the media manager window where you can upload new images and set them in your template. :) you can check out the video demo on youtube it has covered this -
Aaah! I missed that, sorry! Thanks for clarifying :)

It's none of my business, but considering you're here on the community and all, you wouldn't perhaps consider giving @twisted1919 a special deal to include your builder in Mailwizz? ;)
We are working with the MailWizz API to provide the direct exporting functionality to the MW templates but haven't finished yet, If we are giving a extended licence that is going to be bit expensive since we are giving away most of sales we get as a individual product . So that should be covered to a certain extent if we are to sell our builder to MW. Any way we are hoping to have a discussion with @twisted1919 about this after we have tested this integration part and to know what he has in mind. :)