DKIM Configuration


New Member

I am having trouble to configure DKIM to send email letters.

This is what is configured in my DNS zone (domain):
v=DKIM1;k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC/fe8khyGH1gAUUGISS2zWVfWJ 9cGwQr1ZfYpJBwLvZ5r3d47ZOo9D4w3QM7p0Q3b/sNKI0FXdDIS4nICcGOSbWrEl 5LeIhtxXg8y3CPcjMRgvpZqIf9rp330E7wzv8CW+sqR16C5UyF476Uc3ZeyVvv/i IMjd5SppX4vdxjjWKwIDAQAB;t=s;h=sha256;s=email;; (d=hidden on purpose)

Server type to send emails: SMTP (not from mailwizz - it means that mailwizz connects SMTP to send emails)

But when I am trying to verify DKIM signature through mail-tester, i get an error that says that signature is not verified.

But when I try to check if my DKIM is configured, it says that DKIM is configured:

So I went ahead and tried to find a solution on the Internet. And found this topic:

Where support guy "twisted1919" says the following:
Is your smtp server exim? If that's the case, then this is the issue, exim needs special configuration in order to allow address spoofing.

Therefore I have a question: what special configuration does exim4 need to sign DKIM letters correctly?

Thank you very much for your promt reply!

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I am having trouble to configure DKIM to send email letters.

This is what is configured in my DNS zone (domain):
v=DKIM1;k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC/fe8khyGH1gAUUGISS2zWVfWJ 9cGwQr1ZfYpJBwLvZ5r3d47ZOo9D4w3QM7p0Q3b/sNKI0FXdDIS4nICcGOSbWrEl 5LeIhtxXg8y3CPcjMRgvpZqIf9rp330E7wzv8CW+sqR16C5UyF476Uc3ZeyVvv/i IMjd5SppX4vdxjjWKwIDAQAB;t=s;h=sha256;s=email;; (d=hidden on purpose)

Server type to send emails: SMTP (not from mailwizz - it means that mailwizz connects SMTP to send emails)

But when I am trying to verify DKIM signature through mail-tester, i get an error that says that signature is not verified.

But when I try to check if my DKIM is configured, it says that DKIM is configured:

So I went ahead and tried to find a solution on the Internet. And found this topic:

Where support guy "twisted1919" says the following:
Is your smtp server exim? If that's the case, then this is the issue, exim needs special configuration in order to allow address spoofing.

Therefore I have a question: what special configuration does exim4 need to sign DKIM letters correctly?

Thank you very much for your promt reply!


# put the public key into the DNS txt record of your sending domain
# let mwz verify the sending domain
# send with a FROM address of that sending domain
# check in gmail or mail tester
# you should have a green lock or dkim verified
Hi frm.mwz,

It doesn't work:

I get wrong DKIM message all the time... Also i have integrated into mailwizz 3 different servers with 3 different IP's. Mailwizz should detect which server I use and it sets "from" automatically. No need to fill that field, but i tried even that.

May the problem occur because something is disabled on the SMTP server?
Hi frm.mwz,

It doesn't work:

I get wrong DKIM message all the time... Also i have integrated into mailwizz 3 different servers with 3 different IP's. Mailwizz should detect which server I use and it sets "from" automatically. No need to fill that field, but i tried even that.

May the problem occur because something is disabled on the SMTP server?
If you open the details by clicking on the blue cross/plus sign, you will have more info to act upon. This can be solved with a few settings in the registrar's or server's DNS admin. Your host or registrar will have examples for the A, MX, and DKIM records. There also guides to mwz here on the forum, some of them cover what you need:
Hope this helps, you are only a few steps away from the solution :)