Hy guys,
sometimes I come back with a new question
Could you explain me if the "Limit email per minute" affect all job or a single delivery server?
My example scenario :
5 Customer
5 Delivery server for each Customer
If I set Emails per minute = 1500 ( example ) I have :
1500 email for each Delivery Server and for each Customer ( total 37500 email/minute sent from MW but with a limit of 1500 email/minute/delivery server)
1500 email / minute sent from MW
Other question :
Which is the difference if I set this limit in Customer Area or in Cron Jobs settings ? All customer are in the same customer group.
sometimes I come back with a new question

Could you explain me if the "Limit email per minute" affect all job or a single delivery server?
My example scenario :
5 Customer
5 Delivery server for each Customer
If I set Emails per minute = 1500 ( example ) I have :
1500 email for each Delivery Server and for each Customer ( total 37500 email/minute sent from MW but with a limit of 1500 email/minute/delivery server)
1500 email / minute sent from MW
Other question :
Which is the difference if I set this limit in Customer Area or in Cron Jobs settings ? All customer are in the same customer group.