Customer Sending Quota and campaign Questions


New Member

Need some urgent advice. Thanks in advance.

Question 1: About sending Quota

Currently there 2 places to set the customer sending limitation.
Setting 1: - Setting -> Customer -> Sending
Setting 2: - Customer > Group > Sending

For example if i would like my customer to allow sending 1mil emails quota per month but would like to control their sending speed at 2500 emails/h and wait for counter to reset. Do i set in Setting 1 2500 emails per hour and wait for counter to reset and set in setting 1 1mil/month and move to Expired folder.

Question 2: About Campaign

Currently i have 30 customers in a Dedicated Server with 252 IP Rotation. If all 30 sending 1 campaign is ok but most of them sending 3 campaign at once (i set limit 3 campaign per group) which is using up my bandwidth and resource and cause many problems. How can i set them to run 1 campaign at a time? or Automatically run 1 campaign after another. I allow 3 campaign is for customer to keep data for their comparison. Appreciate if anyone can show me where to edit the files.

Many thanks in advance
Currently there 2 places to set the customer sending limitation.
Setting 1: - Setting -> Customer -> Sending
Setting 2: - Customer > Group > Sending
Yes because Setting 2 inherits all the settings from Setting 1.

For example if i would like my customer to allow sending 1mil emails quota per month but would like to control their sending speed at 2500 emails/h and wait for counter to reset. Do i set in Setting 1 2500 emails per hour and wait for counter to reset and set in setting 1 1mil/month and move to Expired folder.
Please read careful the description about quota usage in that area.
From there you do not control the speed, you only control how many emails the user is allowed to send in certain timespan.

How can i set them to run 1 campaign at a time? or Automatically run 1 campaign after another. I allow 3 campaign is for customer to keep data for their comparison.
You can try moving the cron job to run once at 10 minutes instead of once per minute.

So for question 1, if i do this setting
Meaning customer will send 2500/h. And waiting for counter reset and send another 2500. And per month their overall quota is 1 mil/month. Which they will move to expired group when quota reach 1 mil in customer group setting?
You dont understand my questions. Maybe u just answer me. 2 areas to control the email send quota. Now i set different quota. So the real control will be based on where? Im talking about number of email quota per hour and per month.
@Desmond - the idea is the settings are inherited, so they are taken into consideration from a single place, that is, if the customer is in a customer group, settings from Customer > Group > Sending will be used, otherwise the ones from Setting -> Customer -> Sending will be used.
The solution work great except that:

The quota when reached, we need to reset manually? Any way we can do it automatically?
I chose that option to reset daily but 2 days still dont auto reset. Any ideas where might be the problem?
All the customers in this server reach quota but didnt reset. However another server did reset. How can i troubleshoot? Is there a cron command?
For now just reset their quota manually, for each of them, it's easier this way.
Then watch and see if this happens again now that your quota settings are fine.
Hey @twisted1919, i can see customers are gonna be mad at me, when they renew a plan, or get sent to another group and their unused quota is not brought over. How would i get started in building a extension to add unused quota to refreshed quota? I was just testing and notice this, or i am doing something wrong?
@Voris Cunningham - the quota is not transferred over. Your customers have no reason to be upset, the quota action is taken only when the quota is reached, so in a way or another, your customers have used what you have allocated to them.