Need some urgent advice. Thanks in advance.
Question 1: About sending Quota
Currently there 2 places to set the customer sending limitation.
Setting 1: - Setting -> Customer -> Sending
Setting 2: - Customer > Group > Sending
For example if i would like my customer to allow sending 1mil emails quota per month but would like to control their sending speed at 2500 emails/h and wait for counter to reset. Do i set in Setting 1 2500 emails per hour and wait for counter to reset and set in setting 1 1mil/month and move to Expired folder.
Question 2: About Campaign
Currently i have 30 customers in a Dedicated Server with 252 IP Rotation. If all 30 sending 1 campaign is ok but most of them sending 3 campaign at once (i set limit 3 campaign per group) which is using up my bandwidth and resource and cause many problems. How can i set them to run 1 campaign at a time? or Automatically run 1 campaign after another. I allow 3 campaign is for customer to keep data for their comparison. Appreciate if anyone can show me where to edit the files.
Many thanks in advance
Need some urgent advice. Thanks in advance.
Question 1: About sending Quota
Currently there 2 places to set the customer sending limitation.
Setting 1: - Setting -> Customer -> Sending
Setting 2: - Customer > Group > Sending
For example if i would like my customer to allow sending 1mil emails quota per month but would like to control their sending speed at 2500 emails/h and wait for counter to reset. Do i set in Setting 1 2500 emails per hour and wait for counter to reset and set in setting 1 1mil/month and move to Expired folder.
Question 2: About Campaign
Currently i have 30 customers in a Dedicated Server with 252 IP Rotation. If all 30 sending 1 campaign is ok but most of them sending 3 campaign at once (i set limit 3 campaign per group) which is using up my bandwidth and resource and cause many problems. How can i set them to run 1 campaign at a time? or Automatically run 1 campaign after another. I allow 3 campaign is for customer to keep data for their comparison. Appreciate if anyone can show me where to edit the files.
Many thanks in advance