Custom Theme for v.1.5.1


New Member
Hi everyone! I've been using MailWizz for only about a week now and so far it's amazing, great job!!

I wanted to know if there's a custom theme for the new version just to get idea of how to change the layout or pages?

I tried installing Landon, but activated it and didn't notice any changes. (Does it not work on this new version or maybe I need to change something?)

@jeffp678 - Landon is a frontend theme, so install it like so then visit the frontend and you will see the landing page and will not be redirected to customer area anymore ;)
hey @twisted1919, thanks for the reply! I'm actually wanting to customize the customer area with the dashboard, stats, etc. (For the frontend I'm using a different website and subdomain to go to the awesome system you've developed)

Is there any sample theme for the customer area once they're logged in to get an idea of how customization are done for that? For example to change remove the stats and change some stuff on the dashboard without editing the core files.