Custom Field Datetime Default Value

Filipe Silva

New Member

I'm trying to create a custom field to store the "Last Activity Date" from each subscriber.
The idea is to stop sending emails to subscribers that are "dead" - this is a best practice from the market to avoid spam traps (abandoned mailbox that are transformed into spam traps, for instance).

I want this field to be required but I don't know what should be on the default value.
I've tried the [DATETIME] tag but it is not translated to real date time value.

Is there any way to do this?

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 13.35.00.png

Many thanks,
@Filipe Silva - And when exactly would this field be updated ?
You can simply enter the date of today in the default value, then when sending a campaign, upon open, make it so that the field gets a newer value and so on.
Yes, that is the idea: when the subscriber Opens or Clicks (don't know if it's possible on click event) that field should be updated.

Regarding the default value, the idea was to allow this task (sync-lists-custom-fields) for instance, to work as expected.
don't know if it's possible on click event
It is ;)

Regarding the default value, the idea was to allow this task (sync-lists-custom-fields) for instance, to work as expected.
Gotcha. Here's the thing, we don't parse tags in that area, BUT i have just implemented parsing the tags there now and it will be available in the upcoming release.

Screenshot 2017-08-24 17.50.52.png

Display in admin edit screen:
Screenshot 2017-08-24 17.51.35.png

Display in subscription area:
Screenshot 2017-08-24 17.52.18.png

And in list embed form:
Screenshot 2017-08-24 17.52.49.png

Beside the [ DATETIME ] tag, i have added [ DATE ] , [ SUBSCRIBER_IP ] and [ SUBSCRIBER_USER_AGENT ]:
Screenshot 2017-08-24 17.57.13.png

All these goodies in next release :)
It is ;)

Gotcha. Here's the thing, we don't parse tags in that area, BUT i have just implemented parsing the tags there now and it will be available in the upcoming release.

View attachment 3987

Display in admin edit screen:
View attachment 3988

Display in subscription area:
View attachment 3989

And in list embed form:
View attachment 3990

Beside the [ DATETIME ] tag, i have added [ DATE ] , [ SUBSCRIBER_IP ] and [ SUBSCRIBER_USER_AGENT ]:
View attachment 3991

All these goodies in next release :)
Awesome, you are becoming a real-time coder, coding the moment the request is voiced! Can it get any better? Let's enjoy this thoroughly :)