clean up a list

ali su

New Member
hi mailwizz super produck you have i have all the addons and so on i love it

but i have a problem i cant fix.

i have try in the mysql to fix the problem but i am not sure howto.

lets say
user 1 has 100k clients on a list but after 3 months he will like to clean up the list
for non aktiv users. (not has open) then i will like to run a script there can remove all clients there
in not has open over 90 days. so it can run on the server.

is there a way to fix that problem so the user always has a aktiv list.
and on the sam time spamtraps will be delete to so it is a good way to fix it.

There is a special command line you can run to delete inactive subscribers from a list:
// LIST_UID is the 13 chars long list unique id
php -q /the/path/to/apps/console/console.php delete-inactive-subscribers --list_uid=LIST_UID --time="-90 days"
Anyway, before running such command, it's advised you use the backup manager and backup your data first, just in case you delete what you don't want to delete.
super i not know that the system has that but just to be sure befor i start
it say -90 days so is that "delete all there not is aktiv in over 90 days" or " delete in the last 90 days users there not is aktiv" just to make sure.
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Would it be possible to to use the toggle in All Subscribers. and run a filter. which include only confirmed subscribers. and did not open then select all previous campaigns in the last X days. and see those inactive subscriber then disable or unsubscribe them.. would be the same thing.

Related Info & unrelated to mailwizz: ISP: Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft will deactivate mailbox after 270 days of inactivity.
those mailbox could be recycled and turn into Spam Traps. I also saw article online that you should send re-engagement campaigns to subscribers who did not engage with your email in the last 150 days and remove subscribers who did not engage in 180 days.

Best data active 15 days to 120 days
Would it be possible to to use the toggle in All Subscribers. and run a filter. which include only confirmed subscribers. and did not open then select all previous campaigns in the last X days. and see those inactive subscriber then disable or unsubscribe them.. would be the same thing.
Yes, that should do it too, but the command line has the advantage of automation.

@ali su - unzip attached and put the resulted .php file on your server in apps/console/commands/ folder to overwrite existing file with same name.
Now, when you run
php -q /the/path/to/apps/console/console.php delete-inactive-subscribers --list_uid=LIST_UID --time="-90 days"
It will loop through all the list confirmed subscribers and will check if they received a campaign in the last 90 days. If they did, then it will check to see if they opened or clicked any of the campaigns sent in these 90 days. If no open/click is found, then the subscriber is considered inactive and deleted.

Again, please test this first on a test list.


Yes, that should do it too, but the command line has the advantage of automation.

@ali su - unzip attached and put the resulted .php file on your server in apps/console/commands/ folder to overwrite existing file with same name.
Now, when you run
php -q /the/path/to/apps/console/console.php delete-inactive-subscribers --list_uid=LIST_UID --time="-90 days"
It will loop through all the list confirmed subscribers and will check if they received a campaign in the last 90 days. If they did, then it will check to see if they opened or clicked any of the campaigns sent in these 90 days. If no open/click is found, then the subscriber is considered inactive and deleted.

Again, please test this first on a test list.

but it is from the last 90 days it check or +90 days so if a client has open in 91 days he get remove.
or it can make problems for now imports of clients. just to make sure.
It is for last 90 days, so if a subscriber has not opened and/or clicked in the last 90 days then it is considered inactive(given that at least one campaign has been sent to those subscribers in these last 90 days).
yes but then it can make problem if a list is importe for 10 days ago.

nomal you make it like all over 90+ not has open remove.
yes but then it can make problem if a list is importe for 10 days ago.
Hmm, why is that, i mean even if you import a list 10 days ago, if you didn't use that list for a campaign then the subscribers won't be removed. The only issue i see is that when you run this command after you have sent a campaign and the subscriber didn't had a chance to open/click the campaign just yet, and that is the first campaign ever sent to that list, but in this case, i think that there's nothing the app can do for you anyway since you need to think a bit about what are you doing anyway.

Maybe i am missing the point for this, but to me it seems the above should work just fine, but i might be wrong though, thus i am open to adjustments.
okay let me try in a other way

there is users there have live import of coregs in the system all the time.
therefor it is better just to remove all over +90 days there has been open so the clients in the list in the next 3 months can open or klick on a link
but can it be done like after 90 days if not open remove. but it has to look if the client is over 90 days old. befor it remove it.

and it is sam time to remove spamtraps in the system. if a email not has open over 3 months then it will not open or klick on a email the next 10 years. therefor

90+days remove all over that date there has not open or klick.
This was something I had been looking for. How does something like this get added?

If I may suggest something that might work well, that is related:

What if you created a way for admins (or maybe even customers - admins is probably better) to create a custom status? Just like creating custom fields but allow admins to have certain parameters.

For example, I could create a status called "inactive" that is any subscriber who has been subscribed for at least 90 days, but has not opened an email in 90 days.

Then I could create a new status called "Super Fan" that is any subscriber who has been on the list for at least 90 days and has opened opened at least X# of emails or clicks on X# of links.

I know I would use this a lot for the same thing that Ali is talking about. I could go in every month and delete all the inactives. But allowing a custom status could give lots of possibilities with this.
This was something I had been looking for. How does something like this get added?

If I may suggest something that might work well, that is related:

What if you created a way for admins (or maybe even customers - admins is probably better) to create a custom status? Just like creating custom fields but allow admins to have certain parameters.

For example, I could create a status called "inactive" that is any subscriber who has been subscribed for at least 90 days, but has not opened an email in 90 days.

Then I could create a new status called "Super Fan" that is any subscriber who has been on the list for at least 90 days and has opened opened at least X# of emails or clicks on X# of links.

I know I would use this a lot for the same thing that Ali is talking about. I could go in every month and delete all the inactives. But allowing a custom status could give lots of possibilities with this.
The 'inactive' status can already now be done with the solution for NeverOpenedYet and Opened, but for the fan-strength (number of opens and clicks) one would need a counter that could be increased by open/click...can this be done @twisted1919 ?
Thanks @frm.mwz, although I'm not sure this is exactly what I need. In your solution, if a subscriber opened that email 250 days ago, their value would still be 'open/active', correct? Because there is nothing that would turn them back to 'umopened/inactive'.

What I would want to do is make that person 'inactive' if there have not been any emails opened in the past 90 days. So I would want to look at all emails (not just one particular email). And I would want to set a timeframe. Someone who opened an email when they first subscribed 2 years ago would still be 'inactive' (to me) if they had not opened an email in the last 90 days.

Although maybe I am just not fully understanding your solution.
Thanks @frm.mwz, although I'm not sure this is exactly what I need. In your solution, if a subscriber opened that email 250 days ago, their value would still be 'open/active', correct? Because there is nothing that would turn them back to 'umopened/inactive'.

What I would want to do is make that person 'inactive' if there have not been any emails opened in the past 90 days. So I would want to look at all emails (not just one particular email). And I would want to set a timeframe. Someone who opened an email when they first subscribed 2 years ago would still be 'inactive' (to me) if they had not opened an email in the last 90 days.

Although maybe I am just not fully understanding your solution.
It is just a work-around since the built-in 'opened' is only for the last campaign, and folks who use ARs need to know if any of the previous ARs was opened. Feel free to come-up with a better solution, many will be happy ;)