Hy guys,
i have one question regarding CDN usage / settings. I don't know this type of service ( never used ) and I have some question :
1) When I enable CDN, is automatically used for each campaign and overwrite my mailwizz hosting / link?
2) With "Use for email assets" also automatically overwrite all link? Example :
a. I can upload normally through Mailwizz my assets and CDN overwrite them
b. I need to upload my assets in CDN panel and link in Mailwizz campaign ?
Edit : I forgot . With CDN there is a different risk for blacklisting ( eg. Spamhaus dbl et similia ? ) . Can I risk a listing and, get blacklisted my domain or CDN domain ? Sorry if it is a dumb question
i have one question regarding CDN usage / settings. I don't know this type of service ( never used ) and I have some question :
1) When I enable CDN, is automatically used for each campaign and overwrite my mailwizz hosting / link?
2) With "Use for email assets" also automatically overwrite all link? Example :
a. I can upload normally through Mailwizz my assets and CDN overwrite them
b. I need to upload my assets in CDN panel and link in Mailwizz campaign ?
Edit : I forgot . With CDN there is a different risk for blacklisting ( eg. Spamhaus dbl et similia ? ) . Can I risk a listing and, get blacklisted my domain or CDN domain ? Sorry if it is a dumb question

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