Adrian New Member May 23, 2018 #1 I've just updated to 1.5.7 with no error, but when i tried to create a new campaign i've received this error: Error 500! Property "CampaignOption.timewarp_enabled" is not defined. Does anybody know how can i fix this?
I've just updated to 1.5.7 with no error, but when i tried to create a new campaign i've received this error: Error 500! Property "CampaignOption.timewarp_enabled" is not defined. Does anybody know how can i fix this?
L laurentiu Well-Known Member Staff member Support Staff May 23, 2018 #2 @Adrian - Check this article -
@Adrian - Check this article -
Adrian New Member May 23, 2018 #3 @laurentiu thanks for your reply. I want to point the fact that during the upgrade there were no issues!
@laurentiu thanks for your reply. I want to point the fact that during the upgrade there were no issues!
twisted1919 Administrator Staff member May 23, 2018 #4 @Adrian - Maybe also rename the apps/common/runtime/cache folder to something else to force mailwizz regenerate it's cache.
@Adrian - Maybe also rename the apps/common/runtime/cache folder to something else to force mailwizz regenerate it's cache.