Campaings stuck on pending-sending

Jason Humphrey

New Member

I had been running a mailwizz set-up for several months without a problem but last week I added 2 new customers, imported their subscriber lists and tried to send a campaign from the first customer. The campaign is stuck as "pending-sending". I have tried several bits and pieces from the forum and have had no luck.

I have a separate mailwizz set-up on a different server. I ran a test campaign to a test list (containing just myself) and it sent perfectly. I then tried to send a copy of the email that was stuck on the other server to the test subscriber list and it again has got stuck.

So I now have to set-ups that will not process any campaigns. I have tried running the cron job with "--verbose=1" and there is no output.

I have tried to delete the campaign that isn't sending and create a new test campaign but this now won't send either. It's as if the system has frozen!

Help please!

Kind regards
On an additional note, I also tried to update the mailwizz installation but the download from codecanyon was corrupt even after downloading 3 times so one of the installations is now a bit muddled between versions. Ideally I'd like to get the non-updated system up and running and then work on the other after as I have campaigns waiting to go out.

I have set the campaigns at once setting to 100, but even so there is infact only 2 campaigns waiting to send.
Agreed, but if you have 100 autoresponders, then 100 is not enough, just a tip :P

Can you have a look in the Application log (backend > misc > application log) and see if you spot anything related to why this happens?
So I now have to set-ups that will not process any campaigns. I have tried running the cron job with "--verbose=1" and there is no output.
There has to be some output here, it at least has to say it didn't find any campaign to send.
if it outputs nothing, then something is wrong with the way you call the command, maybe a wrong php binary path or the like, so try to enable debugging as shown here and then try again: (be mindful that lots of info is shown when debug mode is on)

I'm afraid there literally is no output and I'm sure it's down to the email specifically as on the second system I ran a test campaign with a dummy email right before loading in the actual email and then running another campaign to my test list.

After this I can't send any campaign even a cc of the original test campaign.

I have turned on debugging and done the following...

Cron from mailwizz;

Output from terminal;

Kind regards
I am sure something dies in the middle of processing without any apparent reason. let's see how debug goes on our private messages and we can then update this thread.
I have problem. Campaign goes and after 26% stuck on sending. I don't know why! I return version and continue sending. Campaign sent 100% after stuck on sending 26% in

How fux it
I have executed your recommendations, but i have the same problem. Campaign stuck on pending-sending and processing!
Same Problem Here :(
# pause and restart
# if still not sending, increase campaigns at once
# if still not sending, check if cron runs, and if need be, go to emergency actions and kill sending cron pid
# see error logs of app, if any delivery server is available
# see if DS is working in DS logs
None of that seems to work, tried all. but found the saolution too. the problem was when i login to my clients account from my backed then those accounts sending isn't working but when i use their user pass and login to the customer panel and setup campaign then it's working ! though don't know why it's happening but seems like since i updated my app to 1.4 then it started behaving like this !
None of that seems to work, tried all. but found the saolution too. the problem was when i login to my clients account from my backed then those accounts sending isn't working but when i use their user pass and login to the customer panel and setup campaign then it's working ! though don't know why it's happening but seems like since i updated my app to 1.4 then it started behaving like this !
If anyone could confirm this, i'll be more than glad to look into this.
Hi I have just switched hosts to a cPanel cloud server where you can choose between php versions 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1

The install, back end and front end work fine. However the campaigns stay as pending.

I have tried running the cli scripts with --verbose=1 and get the following for all three php versions.
I am guessing the issue is down to a php module/extension that needs activating but cannot get an idea of what it is.

Here is the cli outputs I get.

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.24
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.31
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.1.10
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Here is the screen shot of the php extensions I have activated.

Any ideas?
Hi I have just switched hosts to a cPanel cloud server where you can choose between php versions 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1

The install, back end and front end work fine. However the campaigns stay as pending.

I have tried running the cli scripts with --verbose=1 and get the following for all three php versions.
I am guessing the issue is down to a php module/extension that needs activating but cannot get an idea of what it is.

Here is the cli outputs I get.

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.24
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.31
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.1.10
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Here is the screen shot of the php extensions I have activated.

Any ideas?
Try checking if all is installed by using the mwz requirements checker.
Check also file permissions, did that check out fully during install? (This can easily go wrong when moving.)
Also, try having the same main php version as phpmyadmin uses (centos does use 7.0.17), which will give maximum compatibility for dbf operations.
As advised I downloaded the mwz requiremenst checker from github. It showed that I needed to have IMAP extension. Which I have now enabled and the checker passes. But the cron still fails with a 500 error.

I switched back to php 7.0. The whole application works apart from the crons. I will try with debug enabled. Can't remeber which script this setting is is though
Perhaps the remaining cron error is re the php executable, try finding out the right one with commands "which" and "whereis" for php and php-cli and use the right one for the cron job commands (it could be /usr/local/bin/php, while mwz shows /bin/php or just php).
Perhaps the remaining cron error is re the php executable, try finding out the right one with commands "which" and "whereis" for php and php-cli and use the right one for the cron job commands (it could be /usr/local/bin/php, while mwz shows /bin/php or just php).
This worked a treat. This identifed that php is in /usr/local/bin/php rather than just /bin/php

Just in case someone is reading this the hosting company is and I am using reseller hosting for this install.


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