Bounce Processing Not Working

Nakul Mehra

New Member

I have correctly created the Bounce Server and attached it to the Group/Sending Domain but when I send a campaign using an SMTP Server, the bounces do not directed to the bounce email address but the sending SMTP email address instead.

Further, the campaign is not recording any bounces at all. I have sent two campaigns - both of which do not show any bounces whereas the original smtp email address has received Failed deliveries.

After going through the forum, I have:
1. Checked bounce server credentials.
2. Whether it is specified in the Sending Domain (Deliver Server) or not
3. Customer group cannot select his own Bounce Server.
4. Customer is forced to specify bounce server
@Nakul Mehra Bounces won't be processed if the bounce mailbox (server u added on mw) is not receiving any bounces. Bounces will be sent back to "return-path" address on your email headers. If I correctly remember, MW chooses "Email" field value in your bounce server settings as the return-path for the delivery/smtp server you use. Check the email you mentioned there and adjust it accordingly, it should work.
@VVT Ok. It's working now. The bounces dont show up immediately, I guess because of the CRON. But surprisingly, the Open and Click Rates is now not showing. I had all tracking enabled when sending the campaign.
@VVT For the Bounces to be recorded, I had to mention the FROM EMAIL in the SMTP Delivery Server setting with ''. But now the emails going to the correct email address are also going from this bounce address. What I am trying to achieve here is send the emails from '' and redirect bounces to ''.

From/Bounce/Reply-To are oft (re)set by 3rd party SMTP servers, as spmmrs oft use unrelated email addresses, and these 3rd party services 'feel' they need to make sure the registered sender gets the replies. In such case, (re)route the mail coming back to the bounce box and all will work fine. (And some may say it is good to keep an extra copy of all that comes back to abuse, alerts, bounce, postmaster, sender, etc anyway).
@frm.mwz I'm sorry but this is not helping. Perhaps I need a better understanding. I'll give you the case in question: I'm trying to make a Customer Account who sends emails from a Verified Domain. If I create a Delivery Server '' and mention this in the Bounce Email as well - that means this account (SMTP Delivery Server) will be used for sending domains and it will also delete all emails received in response since the Bounce Processor deletes all emails from the inbox is configures to.

What I am trying to achieve is to send emails FROM '' which is the verified domain, but use the SMTP Delivery Server Account '' and Bounced emails to go to ''.

Appreciate your help.
@frm.mwz I'm sorry but this is not helping. Perhaps I need a better understanding. I'll give you the case in question: I'm trying to make a Customer Account who sends emails from a Verified Domain. If I create a Delivery Server '' and mention this in the Bounce Email as well - that means this account (SMTP Delivery Server) will be used for sending domains and it will also delete all emails received in response since the Bounce Processor deletes all emails from the inbox is configures to.

What I am trying to achieve is to send emails FROM '' which is the verified domain, but use the SMTP Delivery Server Account '' and Bounced emails to go to ''.

Appreciate your help.

Simply create a forward (reroute to bounce box).
What was described above is one of the reasons why many have the sender as 'do-not-reply', even if that is not "recommended" officially.
Ok. Thanks.

For some reason, Opens are not showing. Any idea?

Are the little pics (tracking images to load when html email is opened) included in your emails, and are the emails you sent html emails?

Try a test on a few email addresses of your own, where you control the opening, and that should tell.

Also running them by a mail tester will show in the full raw message content if all your intended ingredients are present.
@frm.mwz I am using my own email addresses and yes I sent HTML campaigns with images and without images ie. rich formatted content but the Open Rate is not showing.
Have you tried to specifically load a tracking image or clicked a tracked link in various browsers and checked each time if it works and showed in stats?
I'm using Gmail with no option to 'Display Images' - but yes I am able to see the email creative which by default should load the tracking pixel as well. Which is why I dont understand why is the Tracking Pixel not being read?
@Nakul Mehra - anytime when you hit a brickwall with issues like this, take an email address from and include it in a campaign. Send the campaign then share the email address with us, we can then inspect it at and see why some things don't work.
Ok. So I've just come back to this issue. I tried sending out an email with an Image and a link in the body. The campaign status would suddenly become 'Paused' from sending and now I have a new problem at hand! :(
Ok. So I've just come back to this issue. I tried sending out an email with an Image and a link in the body. The campaign status would suddenly become 'Paused' from sending and now I have a new problem at hand! :(

...maybe it only went to 'paused' when the bounce limited was reached (then you don't really have a new problem and your bounce would be working well)?
I have changed the group setting to allow upto 50% bounce rate. There are 5 subscribers in total which are own own email address, 2 of which are incorrect. So Problem #1, emails are not processing and Problem #2, Bounces are not processing.
I have changed the group setting to allow upto 50% bounce rate. There are 5 subscribers in total which are own own email address, 2 of which are incorrect. So Problem #1, emails are not processing and Problem #2, Bounces are not processing.

hard to diagnose from afar

new settings may not apply to (un)paused campaign or blocked users (after old bounce threshold was reached)

try and copy the campaign after killing all sending/running PIDs and see if on a freshly started sys the error still occurs