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  1. C

    Problem with Sending Domains after verification.

    @laurentiu Send me please a private message, so I can give you access to both Postal and SMTP so you can check the problem. I am pretty sure MailWizz is not sending the message with the correct email to Postal, but I am not sure how can I check this. This is really annoying issue. Regards...
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    Unsubscribe from a list segment?

    Hi! A client of mine has asked me if we can have an unsubscribe link that will show different segment preferences, so they don't unsubscribe from the whole list but instead from some segments of it. For example, a recipient might not be interested in being in the Event segment of the list, but...
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    Unsubscribe or delete hard bounces from the subscribers list

    Hi there, I want to know if MailWizz does remove hard bounces from the list to prevent sending emails to invalid addresses. Regards, Andrew
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    Problem with Sending Domains after verification.

    Hi all, I am having some problems using Sending Domains after completing their verification. If I just FORCE FROM: When no valid signing domain, it will just use the domain I have in the delivery sever. When I select NEVER, it works, but I don't think this is the intended behavior. I'm using...
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    Numbers of IPs and Sending Domains for Cold Outreach

    Hi! I am curious to know what would the community recommend regarding the number of IPs & sending domains to be warmed up to perform a cold outreach operation. What I mean precisely is can I use different domains with 1IP or its better to stick 1 domain for IP. Is there a recommended sending...
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    cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

    I added it now and it worked. Do I need to do that for each IP I start adding to Postal ?
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    cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

    Right now I have it like this: root@vmi602377:/etc# cat hosts localhost # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters vmi602377...
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    cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

    You mean to add that in my VPS right ?
  9. C

    cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

    Hi there, Everything was working correctly for the past month or so. But right now I am getting the following message: When I try putting my IP address directly, I get: I am using Postal and I have checked my system at it is up and I can connect and send emails using...
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    Achieving 1000/h as bulk sender with some decent deliverability

    Thanks a lot. I have contacted which seems like a really good service. They have told me this: However, that means that one IP and one Domain would give me a max of 1000 emails per day, which is kinda low in my opinion. Are their numbers a bit low, or you guys think an IP /...
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    Sending Domain Reputation vs IP Reputation

    I have signed with Can you tell me more or less about your experience with them? Best regards, Andrew
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    Achieving 1000/h as bulk sender with some decent deliverability

    Hi everyone! I am Andrew, a web developer and SMTP aficionado. I will explain a little bit my goal here. What I want to achieve is to be able to send 1000/h for my clients as a bulk service. I have many clients with lists and I want to start helping them sending those emails instead of paying...
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    Sending Domain Reputation vs IP Reputation

    Thank you both so much for your reply. I will explain a little bit my goal here, I might create its own thread for it as well. What I want to achieve is to be able to send 1000/h for my clients as a bulk service. I have many clients with lists and I want to start helping them sending those...
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    Inaccurate open tracking

    I understand your point. But unless I have understood it incorrectly, once the Apple Mail update is in effect we won't be able to track down openings as all emails will be opened by a proxy by default due to the new privacy regulation.
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    Inaccurate open tracking

    Exactly! I don't think Opening Rates will be useful in the near future and even with a fix, they will never be accurate. We will need to work only with Click Rate, am I right?
  16. C

    Sending Domain Reputation vs IP Reputation

    Hi there! I am getting a lot of messages blocked by Gmail with the following code: So for what I can tell, they are fine with the IP of my SMTP server, but they don't like the sending domain. Is it the sending domain the FROM? Is it important to warm up both the sending domain and the IP...
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    Tracking Bounces from SMTP Mail250

    Yes, that's what I did and it worked perfectly : ) Thanks a lot.
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    Gmail IMAP Bounce Server - Unreachable

    Thanks a lot. This has been solved by using another service and not Google : )
  19. C

    Gmail IMAP Bounce Server - Unreachable

    I am getting the following error when I try to test a Bounce Server using Gmail Connection failed to,933: Connection refused<br />Can't connect to,933: Network is unreachable PS: I know that Gmail is a bad a idea, but I am just doing some tests
  20. C

    Tracking Bounces from SMTP Mail250

    Thanks for your answer. But how did MailWizz will know that the email bounced? I am trying to understand a little better the whole process. (1) External SMTP sends an email (2) Email cannot be delivered How does MailWizz know about it?