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  1. U

    BulkEmailChecker Questions

    Ive went around the forum trying to figure out whats wrong with my BulkEmailChecker extension... however, im using the latest MailWizz with Latest BulkEmailChecker, and using SparkPost to send emails. So the story is after uploading the BulkEmailChecker into the backend and going to the...
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    Sending Quote

    Hey, I have a customer group (G-50) and ive configured the sending quote of it to 50,000 per MONTH. Question : Is it possible to limit this group to send maximum 5,000 per DAY but at same time it doesnt go over the 50,000 per MONTH Thank you
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    SPARKPOST - Configration Issue [solved]

    Hey, Im using sparkpost API Im facing issues verfiying domains and adding servers to my mailwizz, weird issues like, emails are sent successfully but they dont reach the inbox and sometimes they go to spam!!! On Sparkpost i have one account and 2 domains , 1 is main and 1 subaccount.. The main...