Wrong number of subscribers in list.

@Gerard Michel Vollet - This was an issue but it's fixed in 1.6.9, please update and see how it goes.
Also, please stop adding links like this one in your forum posts, it's not okay:
View attachment 6614
Thank you very much for letting me know that the image host I used to add screenshots to the post added a link. I will find something else from now on and have a look at my recent posts.

I will update Mailwizz as you suggested.
Hi twisted1919
i have updated to the latest version, since the update the list shows 287 instead of 10K, new subscribers can get added and will count on top of 287, can you please tell me what is the problem, also since the update the bounce back has no report even tho there were many bounce backs, any help will be appreciated.

Thank you
Are you sure your hourly cron job is running... ?
From the counters, you indeed have 11851 subscribers, but only 304 of them are confirmed.
Hello I am new MW user
I am building a number of lists, divided by subscriber`s country. I have not sent any email out yet, so no blacklist, unsubcribers and so on.
My problem is that I have uploaded 9.729 emails to a new list, but total shown is just 4.581.
I have deleted this list a couple of times, refreshed several times but nothing, officially this list has 4.581 contacts.
All lists are divided by country, so emails end with .de ( Germany ) .it ( Italy ) . nl ( Netherland ) and so on, no way there can be duplicates throgh different lists.
I attach 2 screenshots , after uploading and when checking list total.
I have bought MW software just last week, so it is the latest version, I guess
Any clue how to fix this issue ?
Thank you for helping me out !Mailwizz 2.jpg Mailwizz 1.jpg
@ANDREA ERRICO - can you please go to your list subscribers, to see all the subscribers in the list? From the above screenshot, click on the USA - ADA 1 link, this will take you to your list overview. From there click on subscribers link and see then in the subscribers list, how much it shows.
@ANDREA ERRICO - can you please go to your list subscribers, to see all the subscribers in the list? From the above screenshot, click on the USA - ADA 1 link, this will take you to your list overview. From there click on subscribers link and see then in the subscribers list, how much it shows.
Hello Twisted
Thank you for your quick reply !
Unfortunately, I have to confirm you that the total number shown there is 4.581 contacts...In fact,I have 459 pages with 10 contacts/each.

Mailwizz 5.jpg Mailwizz 3.jpg
Attached are 3 more screenshots Mailwizz 4.jpg Mailwizz 5.jpg
@ANDREA ERRICO - Check your file because mailwizz count all rows from file even if this rows are empty.
Thank you for your reply
But my problem is that I have successfully imported 9.729 contacts and total shown in this list is 4.581.
9.729 comes from one file downloaded from the actual marketing platform I am sending newsletters from so it is accurate and emails are already considered deliverable.
If MW counts also empty rows I am supposed to have more contacts than the uploaded number.