When using WEB API delivery servers, bounce processing doesn't work.


Staff member
If you are using the web api implementation for Amazon SES / Mandrill / Mailgun / etc and you find out that bounce processing doesn't really work, below are potential reasons:

1. You are redirecting users from http to https.
If that's the case make sure the /dswh/ uri is not included in your redirection rules to https, basically each request that comes to http://yourdomain.com/index.php/dswh/X must be left untouched, without redirecting it to https://yourdomain.com/index.php/dswh/X
In case it is unclear, http://yourdomain.com/index.php/dswh/X is the url format where wen notifications are sent by amazon/mandrill/manilgun/etc to notify mailwizz about bounces/complaints and so on.

[Additions will be made as we find out more reasons]
Other important reason is that all above SMTP providers uses store-manipulate-forward method to send actual message. This way they all add there own Return-path header to collect bounces support their system. you guys have to redirect bounced mails to your bounce collection mailbox in order to collect all bounces.

@Chetan Bhawsar - Not sure if that would make a difference in this case since we don't care about the Return Path header at all, all these providers will send the bounces using web notifications to a certain url defined by mailwizz, so there's no dependency on the Return Path header.
Mandrill creates the url when you first setup the delivery server. You can find the detials in the Mandrill dashboard. I don't believe you can use your own bounce servers when using the mandrill web api, you would have to use the mandrill SMTP service.