What SMTP email providers is everyone using?

I'm confused between many smtp server. Anyone can give me advice.
what is smtp with high inbox rate ?
Thank you, thank you very much !
thank you, but i need some advice from anyone have experience about smtp with high inbox rate !
this topic is not resolve my question !
That depends on so many factors, it would be better if you explain what you are trying to achieve, how you send, what your list is made up of and how you built it, so that then folks with experience or a similar use case might be able to give advice!
That depends on so many factors, it would be better if you explain what you are trying to achieve, how you send, what your list is made up of and how you built it, so that then folks with experience or a similar use case might be able to give advice!
thank you for your advice. i only need know what smtp server with high reputation !
thank you, Do you know what smtp with high reputation and accept email marketing campaign?
Depends on how you define "email marketing campaign", but assuming you mean COI-based marketing, then Amazon SES and SendGrid are really good, and PepiPost will give you the engaged ones even for free ;)