What is "Verify Sending Domain" Button?

Backend > Customers > Groups > Update Customer Groups > Campaigns > Verify Sending Domain > Yes.

I tried turning this feature from No > Yes. Then found customers in the group must click "Verify Domain" in their account. Customer presses this, but nothing happens and leads them to the dashboard.

Can anyone tell me what this feature is used for, and when to use it? Seriously don't see any difference, except always popping out this message and Customer NEVER gets to continue sending out their campaign.

Is this a bug/error?


Not that I am aware. Customer can add their own sending domain? Where and how?

Is there any backend instruction manual available for all these settings? So many buttons and so much to learn.
Not that I am aware. Customer can add their own sending domain? Where and how?
If the customer is in a group, then check the group settings, there are options to allow/disallow people to do things.
For domains, you have:
Screenshot 2019-03-25 10.49.35.png
These settings get inherited from backend > settings > customers (and these settings apply for customers not in groups).

So what i think the issue is in your case, you told mailwizz that people have to confirm their sending domains, but you didn't give them the ability to actually add domains.

Is there any backend instruction manual available for all these settings? So many buttons and so much to learn.
As it's been stated many times, this is a large application and takes time to master. We don't have a full manual yet, but we have the kb / the videos / this forum and also in app info messages to help you.