

Anyone would like to share info about web hook function ?
Is it the same function as redirect page to any URL after user subscribe the form ? example redirect to customise TQ page ?
It's almost the same.
With a webhook in place, when a subscriber gets into your list, mailwizz sends a post/get request to the url of the webhook, and from there you can do whatever you wish with that data that you have just received.
Webhooks are used if you'd like to keep multiple systems in sync in realtime.
Hi twisted,

where can I find more about web hook? I wasn't able to find an option to trigger web hook when user completes the subscribe confirmation. (I need to use it for syncing multiple systems in realtime)

Thank you!
@twisted1919 - Thank you! Two important questions in regarding the web hook. I'd like to POST user's email address via web hook when the user confirms the subscription.

- Do I add web hook url under "subscription confirmed" page?
- How can I POST user's email address or UID?

Thank you.
@KenKen - All the subscriber info gets posted, so on the other side, do a dump of the data you receive, you'll see plenty useful info ;)
Do I add web hook url under "subscription confirmed" page?
That sounds like a good place to me. I haven't used that extension in a while though, so you might try few times :P
Just checked the web hook functionality. Awesome. It provided all necessary values(email,UID,status,ip and etc) I needed to store back in website db to sync with mailwizz.

Hey, I'm trying to pass data from a CPA network through mailwizz so the data will be in my thank you page URL. Can somebody confirm for me if i have to set up a webhook of some sort to achieve this?

So basically i have my own offer in the CPA network so the network advise me to pass the affiliate ID through my tracking and funnel. So as usual i have set up basic SUB ID via my tracking and so far the SUB ID passes from page to page as it should, however when user opts in to the funnel the SUB ID won;t pass through mailwizz to the thank you page URL.

Can anybody advise on this? Much appreciated thank you
@Jason Thompson - Why not have the SUB_ID as a custom field in mailwizz, then when redirecting to the thank you page from mailwizz > list > pages > confirm subscription, include it in the url, like: ?sub_id=[SUB_ID] which would parse the [SUB_ID] tag to it's right value.
Basically something like:
Screenshot 2017-03-10 12.24.43.png
@Jason Thompson - Why not have the SUB_ID as a custom field in mailwizz, then when redirecting to the thank you page from mailwizz > list > pages > confirm subscription, include it in the url, like: ?sub_id=[SUB_ID] which would parse the [SUB_ID] tag to it's right value.
Basically something like:
View attachment 3325

@twisted1919 depending on your screen shot, isn't there Custom assets at list pages ? I want to redirect user to another page. (Or do nothing) How can it be possible?
@twisted1919 - any reason we can't have webhooks fire with:
1) Subscribers webhooks upon campaign open
2) EBM - criteria?
It would give us a lot more flexibility. With an EBM, we could then update our other software if a user replies to a message.